First of all, there is no software that will make miracles, EAC is the best AC out there, it’s hard to bypass just like BE but never had any problem before, Its used in many games (most Epic Games titles) there is a lot of ways of bypassing the AC, but there is not much to advance on that topic, there will always be a breach to get inside the game memory, The solution is to focus on the ban bypass problem, Even with EAC Collecting a lot of user data, most of those data are easy to spoof, Well, what is the idea then, Code an serial system:
We would generate ONE GLOBAL serial (ex: C0398519:53414264CJFJKSD5FF:42030 ) using many variables: one of those variables can be computer components (ex: Memory, Network Board, GPU…) or some of the network info and more…
Then, we would store this serial on hidden ALT NTFS Dump-Files on the user storage, this way if he changes a component id we would be able to restore his serial and temporary put the user on an WatchList, or if he tries to change his serial at all, again it would be restored. When punishing EAC would take a part and our serial would help identify any attempt of the punished user to come back.
This “Technique” works good with EAC and will reduce cheaters for a good amount, Obviously there are ways to bypass, but its mostly manual and take a lot of time and effort to do.
There is actually some rumors that Valve already do something like that to transfer Trust Factor between accounts created by the same user, Making an pool of griefers, cheaters and smurfs, to create a safe space to legit players…
There is basically no one doing this out there, actively i found only one game, arguably the method is so great that the player count of that game lowered… /s