Screen goes black when you die

Small suggestion but whenever you die there should be an black screen instead of the camera going around the dead player


Whats wrong with the camera going around in a circle?

Lets say you kill someone behind a fence and he has a friend the dead player can give out callouts to his friend wich would be sort of unfair

Third person is unfair. I don’t see a problem with it considering people will always give callouts whenever they’re getting shot at, see a player, etc.

Top tier whataboutism. Two wrongs dont make a right, just because one mechanic is busted doesnt mean another one should be. It would also be more immersive if something like this was implemented, but i would rather your body ragdoll and then your vision fades to black over like 5 seconds so you really have time to think about the mistakes you have made.



The problem is the possibility of give callouts every time, i same when die i wait the enemy stay nearby of my loot to pass callout for my team. Its injust!

and even thougt i make a post with that equal suggestion i aprove this!

The screen goes around the player because you are his remaing soul.

Lol… reallyAR

try to take this a little seriously.

The screen going around you is just for aesthetics I would not want to be removed , maybe after you are being killed you get the death screen but the players are invisible and you can’t see or hear them .

I second this - having a camera that allows you to see what is going on around your corpse would be quite unfair in group combat.

In addition I’d like to remind @Pesticide that third person itself as a feature is on thin ice.

The sneaky death camera let’s you stay peakin’ in the enemy’s base forever. A black screen would fix it all.

Some pimping it could use would be a bright flash or something and then fading into a black screen, maybe if you are in first person you actually see your character falling on the ground through his eyes, if you get what I mean. Maybe even different results if you die in different ways? Like: you get shot in the face, you die instantly, you won’t see yourself falling on the ground. You get shot in the heart, you fall on the ground, bleeding to death and getting the white to black fading screen? Dying by a zombie would make your vision green tinted and you would suddenly get kicked out of the character? Alot of amazing and cool stuff could be done with this!

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I think this is the way to do it. I’d be ok with it being lowered to 3 seconds instead of 5, though.

Let’s see what everyone thinks. (You can choose more than one if you’re fine with multiple, but try to pick a side)

  • Keep the current rotating third person camera.
  • Add an instant black screen in first-person.
  • Add a few extra seconds of first-person vision as you ragdoll.
  • Add a gradual, blurry fade away in first-person.
  • Add a brief third-person post-mortem camera (similar to shooter games) that fades out.
  • I have a different idea in mind that hasn’t been mentioned above.

0 voters

My personal opinion:

Under normal death circumstances you should be able to briefly see out your character’s eyes for a few seconds as you ragdoll, similar to games like Rust. However, instant deaths such as explosions and high caliber headshots should be instant black. For slow, agonizing deaths such as starvation, a blurry fade would work well.


Might be useful in some hide and seek game modes or something.

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