Screen problem in Unturned

I don’t know what happen with that game. Did somebody had this problem before?

Other games works normally.

This happened to me on my old computer. Is it just the loading screen or in game?

It is the sign of a dying videocard

No ,it happens in game to.

And this sign is happen only in unturned ? other games works normal.

Its just how unturned renders shit, it is definitely a sign of a dying video card.

I think its unturned foult , i downloaded older version (unturned and its worked normal.
Other games work fine to.

What other games? You can play very old games that can literally run only on processor.
And these artifacts are no way to be a game’s fault.

so why it not happen in Far cry 3,4 AC black flag , battlefield 4 etc ?
only in unturned

so you think that unturned is much more GPU intensive game than far cry 4 on medium-high?

Hello, Welcome to my wikihow article, i’ll be teaching you how to fix shit

  1. Take a lighter and a trashcan

  2. Grab your computer

  3. Take lighter fluid

  4. Dab a little bit of fluid on it

  5. Turn on the lighter and throw it in the thrash can.

  6. Your videocard should be fixed


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