SDG Forum Ships?

Bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh


Bruh the bait

Why are you guys doing this

I’m sure that’ll be a great conversation with your fiance.
A bit awkward when you have to explain to her why you think she should stay with you after you’ve already slept with someone else, don’t you think?

But hey, to each their own, am I right?


Wait a minute, I am not there :sweat: that means… that means… I am not a CHAD. Oh no. Lord have mercy.

RedComm, they are joking with you man. If you are in High School and still a virgin that is super normal. More likely than not depending on where you live/ go to school.

But this is 2019, not 1650. Having sex before marriage is completely normal and far more common then not. Won’t be awkward for anyone, as anyone you plan to marry likely shares your beliefs, and has likely been your partner.

Sidenote. I ship myself with @danaby2 I haven’t told him yet, but we finna get married soon.


bruh redcomm we just clownin bro dont take it serious lmao


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I appreciate the advice. For future reference, spoilers don’t work in dropdown text.

ok virgin 8)


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I’m never going to live this down, am I?

bruh u a virgin lmai

Who Rain? Of course i know he’s a furry

everyone does

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Can we unflag this. @Yarrrr unflag it

Remember everyone, the door is always an option.


excuse me Motherfucker

@Panda3d x @kvc.6

Not cool dude, Spebby has been my girlfriend since 2011


Why is this thread still alive. I even reported the original post.