Servers where a bunch of maps are connected together?

in unturned 3.0, none of the maps are connected at all. like you can’t cross the confederation bridge on PEI to go to another map.

but what if there was a special server/map for unturned II with 4+ different maps connected on it. (each map having its own server) there could be 100+ player servers that would not cause intense lag as it would still be 24 players per server. and then you can switch between the maps by crossing certain spots. maybe being able to fly an airplane out of your current server, and when you hit the world border, it loads you into a different map/server and your airplane would be in the air still flying for you to land somewhere?
would be extremely hard to implement obviously but would be cool

im pretty sure ARK does something like this where you can travel from one expansion pack map to another, but im not 100% sure.

I’m pretty sure Nelson has already said something like this in one of the earlier blog posts.

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what did he say in that blog exactly? did he say he was thinking of adding something like this? did he confirm hes not implementing this?

No idea, I only vaguely remember reading about it somewhere.

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Doesn’t really work like that in ARK. The devs their other game Atlas makes more sense as an example. They have the biggest map ever made in a game, and it’s made into a grid pattern. 16x16 and each grid is a server. You can make cluster servers and connect the servers to each other. So when you walk over the edge of the map to a different map server, it automaticly drops you into the other server.
This allowed thousands of players to play at the same time on 1 big map.

This is REALLY REALLY hard to implement and to make it transfer really smooth without letting you disconnect to the menu though.

It’s a really cool idea, but I don’t think my exact idea is possible in this engine.


he could probably just automatically bring up a loading screen when switching between maps?

Possibly yes

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