Shots to down/kill

I mever disagreed to that. We all know that DMRs should do more damage than ARs.

The point of Unturned II is to be a survival game, not a PvP game. That is kind of the sole reason on why Unturned II came to be. Im not saying there should be no PvP, but Im saying the game should focus more on actual survival and preservation than killing people.

Plus, since it’s Unreal Engine, I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a server option to change damage stats for creative PvP servers.

Im not saying you need at least 4 headshots with a high quality rifle to get a kill. Lower the damage so that 1 headshot wont get you down to 10% with bleed when you’re simply using a Civilian weapon. That is my main point. Because so many of the guns we have will bring you to 5% health out of nowhere including very common weapons such as the popular Hawkhound/Crossbow. I want it that an ambush attack doesn’t become meta. I wanna give the victims a chance to fight back so that ambushing wont be a guarenteed kill.
I have no specific numbers and percentages on the damage stats/reduction, but all I am pointing at is that ambushing should not be meta otherwise it wouldn’t be fun to play and at the same time players on both sides have seemingly similar survival chances so it would become an actual fight to survive rather than promoting cowardness.


I’m joining the debate!

There’s just one little thing I’d want to add to make sure people don’t forget it: getting killed by 4 body shots by an assault rifle is really quick in a game as slow paced as Unturned in its PvE mode.

A classical AK-47 shots up to 600 rounds per minute, which corresponds to 10 shots a second. This means it would only take 0.4 second to kill someone and I think most people haven’t thought about that.

For PvP arena though, time to kill (or TTK) can always be faster with smaller health pools. However, for PvE maps, I think gun fights between players should last longer, even at close range.


I would like to say I like the new game survival focus. Also common weapons should be made harder to find. I believe that in 4 there should be less class divisions. In three there is massive division, someone with an ar always beats someone with a rifle/ dmr. In three there should be less weapon division. People will be inclined to chose other weapons that just a maple strike or heartbreaker, or a sniper.
Instead civilian rifles should be easy to use due to their more common and high damage at range. Ars will be used for more rich or skilled players that can craft enough bullets. In other words no everyone you meat will have or use an ar. So you can at least have a chance to run if they start shooting at you. In 3 you can’t really run.


Which is why I also suggested in my 1st comment (iirc) that full auto weapons should have high recoil with a seemingly unpredictable pattern in addition to wasting more bullets will hopefully discourage players enough to use ARs and force them to use less efficient weapons such as semi-auto or bolt-action rifles

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I totally agree with this, I think it will make gun fights much more interesting and skill based rather than just whoever gets the first shot off wins. Plus I like the fact that because it uses more bullets it forces people to choose wisely with who they kill and how they kill them (i.e. being defensive rather than rushing and spraying). This can create interesting situations where people with low level gear who don’t have much ammo have to take every shot deliberately. Extending the length of gun fights (obviously only to an extent) makes it more interesting for both sides as much more planning and deliberation has to go into them rather than fights just being an ambush of AR spray.

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I agree. But I believe the skills should be different. If you have played the long dark you will understand the rifle is hard to aim and sways a lot. I want this kind of hard aiming for rifles, the trade off will be if you are skilled with them, ie sharpshooter 5. Then they are good at range and have high damage to one shot an unarmored target. Assault rifles will have a high recoil and the sight will sway around the screen if you just hold fire. Still ars are good in mid range and do reasonably high damage aswell. Plus if you fire more bullets then you have a greater chance to hit the target.
In other words each gun will have its own skill requirements.
And ambush won’t be super op with a rifle. A low skill won’t jump you always because there sharpshooter will be too low and they will miss a lot of their shots so you could easily kill them. Not to mention a low skill won’t have much ammo.
A higher skilled ambush is just like it is now in 3, no matter how good you are they shoot you a few times while your walking and your dead in a sec.

I meant skill as in how good the player is at the game, but I think your suggestion is good too. It would take more effort to be able to one-shot or ambush because you would need to level up your skills. That way it still happens, but will be harder to do. Getting killed without having a chance is no fun, but it should still be able to happen sometimes (as long as it takes effort to do, you shouldn’t be able to find any AR and jump someone), that way players have to play more defensively or feel on edge if another player is hiding nearby.

I’m kind of surprised this thread hasn’t been closed, archived, deleted or just died down afterwards I explained that I hadn’t meant to publish this version of it. It’s a bit embarrassing to still have this up, but atleast the conversation has been mostly reasonable. I don’t know why people think that I was saying that low tier weapons should do high damage, when I listed twenty categories of projectile weapons that would be more fitting as low damage weapons. In my opinion, service pistols should have a higher potential for damage (I don’t feel like listing repeatedly all the factors that might prevent a player from doing that much damage, but needless to say a fresh spawn finding some old ammunition and a pistol with a worn out barrel wouldn’t be able to snipe a fully geared try-hard from a bush 200 meters away and expect to hit, let alone kill them anytime soon) If a mapmaker wants to have a low-tier pistol they could easily balance it by using a less powerful pistol, by including clothing items with sufficient armor value in low tier loot tables, or by having their map include fast times to kill overall. The idea of having scope sway applied to iron sights like in The Long Dark is interesting atleast. I feel like it should make more of a difference with weapons that have neither a stock nor a grip/handguard.

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Yeah I get it. I just argue that rifles shouldn’t be considered low tier weapons, when they are quite powerful as for civilian handguns yeah they would be somewhat weak but they shouldn’t be just junk.

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