Should the Ts have Mutations?


I know there is alot of good topics about turneds and I hope the suggestions I also write, will be interesting to you. I am using names that I think most of you will understand even whitout an explanation, I’ll also explain short as good as I can.
This topic is also somewhat connected to my “dynamic World” topic.


I will have a few polls in this topic, you are welcome to answer them, but if you are not interested in the mutationsubject, at the end of this topic will be a poll that has a question just about mutations and if you are interested in having it in the game, feel free to go and click there.

Different types

Just as an easy start lets take a few examples on turneds.


to UII I hope there will be an huge variety of different typers of turneds, but I’m just going to have a few examples for now, to keep this topic at an good size and easier to understand.

  • Walkers, a rather normal turned
  • Rabid, an rabid infected turned with exeptional stamina, and much more aggressive personality.
  • Crawlers, “Walkers that cant walk” (because they might have gotten hurt
    There should be the “normal”, more common turneds that we would see alot of while we explore the World, the longer the World has “exsisted” the more “special” turneds there will come.

(will make more sence later)


Now to the real topic of this post.

It would be interesting if Turneds would with time become more adapted to their Environment and klimate with some mutations. Turneds should also mutate and be able to become different variants of that specific turned type, for example:

  • Walkers could mutate in to spitters (An type of turned that is able to spit an Corrosive substance on the player)
More about spitters and their corrossive spit

This corrossive substanse could have different variants:

  • some could be thicker but sticky and harder to get off of clothes, but make the mutated Walker, spit less (not be able to spit more than once or twice and then have to wait to “refill”)

  • and some other slime could be lighter liquid but more corrossive than than the thicker slime, making it easier to get off of clothes but maybe giving the mutated turned the ability to spit a few more times Before it has to wait to refill.

to protect yourself from the spit you could have some different types of Equipment that would protect you from this, for example hazmaz suit, leather armor, leather longcoat. different types of armor and clothes protect you better agaist some stuff and worse again some.

Poll about spitters cus im curious to hear what you think

  • I think spitters should have different kinds of spit
  • I think spitters should NOT have different kinds of spit
  • null

0 voters

the longer an turned has had an specific mutation without dying the higer the chance is that it has been even more mutated.

  • the spitter could have mutated further with time and have become an “Bloater”, an swollen huge zombie, whit the extra ability to have a chanse to explode if shot at.
  • the bloater could also have a few different types of it:
2 bloater types
  • one of the bloater types could be one with the thicker slime, which would release an big amount of highly flammable gas, which would make the bloater have an great chanse of exploding if shot at with a gun or flaming arrow or hit with a torch. If exploding the bloaters slime would fly all over the place, making it more dangerous to be there.

  • the other bloater could have the lighter liquid slime, which wouldn’t release as much gas as the thicker slime, this bloater wouldn’t have as big chanse to explode as the other one, but this bloater would have an greater chanse to just “pop”, causing all the goo to cover for example the whole road in a city, making it more difficult and dangerous to be there because of the corrossive slime and the toxic flammable gas.

also Importatnt

mutations could happen to any types of turneds and they could mutate in to any of the different types of mutations, for example if we take 3 different mutations: spit, rabies, fungus
and then 3 different turneds: mega, 4 legged runner(you know what I mean), crawler
then we can take and put em together, and we can get up to 9 different turneds already from that, we could get an: spitting mega, 4 legged runner with fungus mutations, rabid calm

Even if the game had only a few different mutations and a few different turned types, the game would have pretty many differnet types of turneds…

  • I think turneds could mutate furter with time
  • I think turneds shouldn’t mutate
  • null

0 voters

Time and mutation

I think mutation could happen with time and with the world growing around too (if we think like I have suggested in my prewious topic about an more dynamic world)

mutations could happen with time, If the turned would not have been killed in an time, It could have an chanse to mutate, making the world have an bigger variety of turneds, and making it so that the turneds wouldn’t just get more healt and deal more damage as time goes by, they would just mutate and become different turned types.

this would also make it so that there wouldn’t maybe be a need to spawn in already mutated turneds.

  • I think mutations should happen dynamicly with time
  • I think mutations should only spawn in
  • I think mutations should NOT happen with time
  • null

0 voters

Radiations effects on mutation

radiation could also have an effect on the mutation

If a turned would be located in an highly radiated area its mutation phase would me speeded up, it would evolve and mutate faster and even in rare cases become extreme turned species and even cause wallfungus.

  • Radiation should have an effect on mutation
  • Radiation could cause extreme mutations and stuff
  • Radiation should NOT have an effect on mutation
  • Radiation should NOT cause extreme mutations…
  • Null

0 voters

Mutations effect on cities

not only that in highly radiated areas there can occur wallfungus the area of the city might be different…

the “layers” of an big city could become pretty interesting, for example:

  • an very big city could have just the common turneds on the outside but the further in we go the more mutated and dangerous the turned and area will become. This would be pretty cool and the cause of this could be as simple as the players, the players have only looted the outer layers of the city and only a few roofjumpingsneakyasses have dared to go further in and sneakily loot the city further in.
  • this would make more unique and difficult cities and environment to the game (that is if the world and turneds evolve, grow, and mutate with time)
  • I think It would be interesting if the cities could form “layers” because of the players actions and the mutation system
  • NO!
  • meh
  • null

0 voters

If there is something you didn’t understand or I left unclear please comment and I’ll try to explain better :slight_smile:

  • I think Mutation sounds interesting and should be implemented to the game
  • I dont think Mutation sounds that interesting and should NOT be implemented to the game
  • meh
  • Null

0 voters

fun fact. I have written this topic 3 times and it didint save when i sopped writing… fucking depressing…


Personally i’d go only with walker,rabid and crawler zombie types since are simple and reserve the special ones as bosses.
Good ideas nonetheless :+1:

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Im not a big fan of this whole mutation thing , imagine starting as a naked on a new server and doing that on a server that is like a week old , it would be a lot harder to do the latter and older servers would see less and less new players since it would get increasingly harder , you did mention that zombies would need to stay alive for mutations to occur but then strong zombies would be avoided and they would get stronger .

But that is just what i think , it could be entierly wrong so take it with a grain of salt


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Personally I like the idea of mutations over time, but @Mr.Snowy has raised an interesting point that novice players would not be able to fight on servers that have been around for a while, but a simple way to solve this was that only the spawning turneds in large cities and / or military bases could mutate for some reason: A larger amount of viruses were housed in that location.


A better example would be certain areas such as labs having more mutated Turned because they were deliberately engineered for possible weaponization, and this can lead to more extreme ones such as shockers and cloakers.

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Shockers and cloakers should be in locations that include labs and the places around them.

Other mutations should occur more naturally, but be mostly in locations where there are high populations of turned(military bases that people evacuated too, large cities, evac zones, ect. )

Radioactive mutations should show up in and around radioactive locations. Or even in nuclear power plant containment rooms. Even if the plant hasn’t had a meltdown

Perhaps radioactive turned would give cause damage if you stayed near them too long. Similar to the ones from dying light.

I would suggest some zombies being able to grab you, like dying light. But I dunno

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@Mr.Snowy @TigerSurvivor
You both seem to have the same worry, that the turneds would be too hard for novice players.

This would indeed be a problem if all the turneds would mutate at the same time and if they mutated fast.
I was thinking more something like that the mutations should happen through time to different turneds in different times, not everyone at the same time, and just simply balanced. This would give the game much more variety and It would make it in some ways easier amd in some ways more difficult.

But if done right, I atleast think it would be a pretty great and unique feature to the game.

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Well yes, but I think that there should be the “base” turned models and then the different “branches” of other type turneds of those same turneds, subspecies in other words but still the same specie

Yes I didnt really spesifically speak where the turneds should be and what kinds, bc the point of my topic was supposed to be mutations.

But indeed, I ofc think that in different locations there should be different types of turneds and different kinds of mutations, just as you said, in the labs there could have been tests done on turneds that caused them to mutate to some extreme mutated turneds that are extremely rare, maybe even only seen at just those locations whit the same causes.

it could work relevant to when each turned spawns in, not at the same time. They should also despawn naturally as well as spawning in. that could work. But I don’t really see a need for mutations based on time, I think they should just occur based on spawns.

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“Mutations” should really just be up tiered zombie types, with more dangerous/zany types spawning in areas with more powerful/zany loot.

Personally I want Nelson to go all out with Turned types, he should not restricts himself to the same set he had in 3.0 or just elemental types. If he really plays off of the extra dimensional theme that was/is hinted at by the excursion bit on trello he could use it to excuse more strategically interesting turned archetypes that a normal “disease” setting just couldn’t.


I just want a turned that gravity is reversed for if this happens.

It would be the funniest thing to go in a house and there is a zombie just walking normally… Except on the ceiling

A long post, but pretty good.

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It is nessecarily not needed to have turneds to mutate with time, but it would make the game more interesting in some ways.

Mutations, in other Words different more uncommon turned types. that just Changes the turned in an more dynamic way than just spawning in.
but yes.

Starters should begin on servers with easy difficulty, those probably won’t have all the hard mutated zombies. Besides that (some) maps should be designed like russia where players start at farms. Thos spawnpoint should have easier zombies and the higher tier military places should have the hardest zombies.


Yeah , it would work if zombies would be harder to kill in places with more loot but OP was suggesting that zombies would mutate over time (atleast that is what i understood) and what you suggested would have zombies spawn already mutated (again from what i understood) (•‿•)

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Yeah I voted against time base mutation. Maybe for singleplayer it would be fun, but for servers it just makes it hard for player that join the server later on.

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I’m sorry I didn’t really get what you ment,
But Id like to see turneds to mutate with time, later in the game in some areas maybe some even spawn in weak, and get stronger with time and more mutated again

but I repeat, I didnt understand what you ment and I’m not sure if you were talking to me, but my opinion somewhat explained :slight_smile:

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indeed it would make it harder in some degree, but also more fun and it would urge players to team up and maybe even build settlements or whatnot where novice players could come and get help to get started from nice players.

also making mutation happen with time toggleable could be an good option to have in the game, making it up to the player if she/he/or anything else wants to have it on, but still having it in the game for the players who want it, like me, and some other ppl I know. :slight_smile:

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