Simple vs. Complicated game

Now I have seen a lot of opinions on if the game should be simple or more complicated

Iv sen some people say that “survival games should not be complicated” and that it is better if they are more simple, but why? why is it better if they are simple and Where is the border between simple and
to complicated.

And what is wrong/bad with more indepth or complicated features like:

For example: Different bullet calibers and ammo types

  • some people wants there to be many different calibers and ammo types ex. 5.56x45mm and
    more indepth mechanics when it comes to bullets

  • some people want to keep the simple “Military/Civilian” types with “low” and “High” caliber types
    and want to keep it as it is

Im all for more indepth features like Bullet calibers and more ammo types

  • Give the game more indepth/complicated features and mechanics
  • Keep the game at the same simplicity level as it is now

0 voters

If you chose the “Keep the game at the same simplicity level as now” comment why you think it is better to keep the system that we have now.


It’s simplicity made 3.0 boring to survive and made it a PVP arena


If the complexity actually improves gameplay then its fine, but nothing should be complex just to be complex. Just having 5 types of ammo would distill gameplay by letting you swap ammo far too easily as you can in 3.0, and would prevent progression as you can just use ammo you found in the lowest tier in the highest tier guns.


i would just make something like a tier system for example Tier 4 military Caliber type would be only for snipers and things like that

Looking back at games like Warframe specifically, it’s fine to have a certain level of complexity as long as it’s properly explained through tutorials (that preferably aren’t just a load of text).

Also, I’m unsure about the effectiveness of having a poll, since each person’s view of what’s simple and not varies way too much.

yeah, i just waned to get somewhat of an idea of what people think about this

It should be, but shouldn’t be called like that. Calibers are better to me

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At this stage in development, Unturned II should be built so that Nelson, modders, and mapmakers will be able to add as much complexity as they might reasonably want. You can easily choose not to include certain calibers or to add a gun that shares ammunition with other guns even though their real world equivalents wouldn’t share ammunition, but it would be much harder to jam new cartridges into a weapon sandbox that doesn’t have a place for them.


A game should be easy to begin playing and hard to master. Basic survival should be “easy” for everyone. But getting the best stuff should be hard

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Yes, with this post I just ment that i want unturned ll to be more indepth and have more complex mechanics then what unturned I has right now, ammo types and calibers was just an example of the kind of level that i would like it to be at when the game is starting to come together when nelson is done with the base/core of the game and can start working on more content for the game

I think that optional complexity for players to explore at their own pace would be best, either as how the mechanics simply work or as an actual game setting.

For example, modifying your car to fine tune it just how you’d like (such as by replacing the transmission). But when your car breaks down in-game and you’d like to repair it, you shouldn’t have to know how cars work IRL. Instead, having a high enough mechanics skill should just tell you what’s wrong and what part you need to find (possibly with a helpful image and description of said part?) and you can just replace it when you find said part.

Naturally there should also be tutorials, like Sirba noted, to explain/introduce the more complex mechanics for those who are interested. Making survival fairly difficult (enjoyably so, of course) and allowing players to just scrape by through casual playing is possibly a good idea, but allowing players to thrive through in-depth mechanics is likely a good idea. Be it automating the watering and spraying of pesticides on crops through wiring and logic, or outfitting an APC into a hoard-crushing machine, or even just reclaiming towns and building settlements for NPCs, complexity should be an option for players to explore and play with at their own pace.

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I do think it shouldnt be as simple as now, but we dont need to change the order of bullets in a magazine.

Item names like “Ranger Magazine” or like in 2.2.5 “Savage Magazine” always gave Unturned this unique charme. “5.56mm” would fit into a hardcore military simulation, but not in a game like Unturned.
And I know its going to be more advanced and realistic (in some ways) but I think Unturned should stay Unturned in a way…


Yeah you might be right, but time will tell

(I acctualy think nelson has mentioned somewhere that you will be abel to swich the bullet order in magz, but im not sure):thinking:

Thats what I am saying, I think it just makes the game unnecesarry complicated

I don’t think having the option to switch bullet order makes the game more complicated. It merely adds an option to do more with the system. Its not like you have to choose the order.

Adding more and more features that you can do, but dont have to still makes it complicated as a player would always have that in the back of his mind, its not like someone would completly ignore it.


True, I voted for the second option but I now realize your right.

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I guess you’ve got a point there. I just don’t think it would be detrimental to add a function like this.

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Well he has alredy kinda confirmed that calibers are coming now that i think about it, in Devlog #5

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But 3.0 came with calibers at first, too. It can change, but this time it’s less likely

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