Some batiments of france don’t spawn, pretty much all the buildings of Paris and some of the Large/Medium Objects don’t spawn either in solo/editor/server for me and a few friends, but it works perfectly for some others. I checked my game files 3 times and reinstalled my game twice, some people told me it could be from a Unity problem or from the game directly. Please Help me, thx.
France was gutted really hard when Hawaii was removed due to the fact that France used a Number of Hawaii & Greece assets. They’re working on fixing it. If you’re talking about assets exclusive to France ether your files are corrupted or the France team has done a goof.
This is a small issue on Nelson’s part. He was attempting to port the entirety of overwatch, factorio, and tf2 (titanfall 2) into Unturned and it caused some minor bugs.
What ? he tried to do what ?
Also Spebby does it means that if i download Hawaii and Greece it could maybe work ?
Re-read your post, probably not, but it’s worth doing anyway, the Cheese Factory and Hospital will actually exist if you do so. @Vilespring @anon12581390 (Sorry for the ping guys)
How else is he supposed to make Unturned 4.0? It’s the basics of coding. I learned everything I know about coding from vehicle.dats and I can tell you that it is very crucial to in order to ensure the usufruct is unparagoned, one must redirect the grandiloquent into the video game.
Ok Thanks (also i already tried to contact the france team).
you’re welcome
Didn’t worked …
Just double checking, you verified integrity of game files? What operating system are you on?
I verifiied my game files like 3 times but not after installing Hawaii Assets … and i’m on Windows 10
Alright, any you said you tried to get in contact with the France team, did you get into contact or no?
Yep, i got contact with Renaxon, but now i’m waiting for Paper_Walls because apparently he is th “mod maker” of the team …
Good luck then.
Bruh, you’re gonna get flagged for terrorism.
Thank you very much, your help was nice.
Map was updated to accomodate for the biggest missing buildings. The issue here is unrelated to those missing but I’m not sure what’s the cause.
Do you have at least one idea ? i’m starting to lose faith …
Wait hawaii was removed from the game? Am i missing something here or…?