Spray paint and dye

This is like the emblems post and somewhat basic/inspired by it but mainly focused for guns and stuff.

Spray Paint
Nelson says there will we no gun skins like in 3 in 4, i like this idea because it ruins the Emerson a little. But what if instead you could buy SPRAYS
Sprays would be on the gun and you would need spray paint items to do so. These would stay on the gun when dropped and there would only be a certain few Nelson likes and thinks fit the game.(basic things like red skulls not things like, blue toxic rainbow). Sprays would look like they are sprayed on aswell.

Where to find
Spray paint would be at mechanic shops and could also be used for cars and buildables.

Just like spray paint, not like cosmetics that replace the clothes the dye would just add colour and patterns to it,(prehaps logos to).

That’s all feel free to suggest any ideas.


Not focusing on the inappropriate symbols that could be used, if it just focused on guns and cars and maybe even preset vehicle skins like stripes.

(Also, immersion*)

why on the gun? A system like that would be more akin to stickers from csgo. I would rather a normal spray system where you equip it and can spray it on walls.

i’d like a spray in unturned. Maybe it could be part of the emotes, and you could spray it on walls and stuff. sort of how fortnite does it

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I don’t see why spray cans couldn’t be multifunctional.

Idk but how I imagine this looking ingame just isn’t sitting right with me, I just dont like the idea of spraying the guns themselves. Thats just me tho.

Hmmm, we could add Blubearry Pattern (Unturned curated cosmetic also 2Rgames reference) on Military Vest xD That would be funny…

Actually Sprays contains propane you could make bombs , incendiary grenades or even flamethrowers .

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