Suggestion: Stay on Unity

Graphics are not rendered via CPU. Instead, they are rendered via the Graphical Processing Unit. Hence the name. I think he didn’t provide an explanation because it’s considered common sense to many people.

Oh look, another personal attack.

I figured this out as my CPU strain increases depending on what is being rendered in Unturned and many other Unity games.

After doing some looking up, seemed to have something to do with draw requests and transparent materials, something that Unity does not-so-well.

EDIT: Attack ideas, not the person giving them. Then people will actually learn and not have a bad taste in their mouth. By doing some looking up, I know Unity does indeed render with GPU like everything else, but rendering related tasks cause a lot of CPU strain compared to other engines. Explain why to people with misconceptions, don’t just attack them. Of course I will say something when I do not know I don’t have the correct knowledge. Tell my why I’m wrong. I will change my mind when given reason, not insults.

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Unreal for optimization so I can play more often and not get sick/frustrated, but Unity for workshop people and secure code… Tough choice

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I never attacked anything. I corrected a false statement:

One of them is rendering with GPU and not CPU…

This is very straightforward and blatantly wrong, whereas now that you’ve elaborated we both understand that it does not “render with CPU”.

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Unreal does not guarantee optimization, it could actually decrease optimization based on how Nelson handles it. Something to keep in mind.

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while that may be true, if Unturned were to switch to Unreal, there would be no more Rocket servers (unless it is migrated to support unreal (would take a very log time if even possible)), and most likely, Unturned’s Developers wouldn’t continue to make modding frameworks, or plugins for Unturned anymore.

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No. if Unturned moves to Unreal RocketMod WILL NOT follow it is a Unity game server mod not Unreal

I vote Unreal!

The possibilities! Oh the possibilities!!


you’re right so many LENS FLARES

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Here is something i wanted to share here thanks to Sven. Please watch

Although I understand there are benefits and downfalls to switching engines, I’m just really curious to see how an iteration of Unturned would look in a different engine. However, I wouldn’t be upset if Nelson makes the decision to stay in Unity.


I think trying out a new game Engine would be something interesting for Nelson since it would provide him with some new challenges which would keep the development process interesting for him.

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I think it will be far better if Nelson were to switch to unreal. Unity has many limitations and i’d argue it’s not a very good engine. Imagine the possibilities with Unreal (or many other engines).

I understand the problem with rocket plugins and mods however, I believe this is why (I’m not sure if he’s already doing this or not) Nelson wants to make 4.0 a different game from 3.0 and not just an updated version of 3.0. Mods and plugins will stay on 3.0, but they won’t be removed at all, and players can casually play both 3.0 and 4.0.

And if you give them time, I’m sure the modding community and rocket developers will adapt to 4.0

I would like to see a jump to Unreal, Even with 4.0 releasing sometime in the future, I think that 3.0 will still have a very much alive community. Maybe in it’s early stages of development there could be a preview branch, similar to OPERATIONMAPLELEAF. I would love to see what Nelson could do with Unreal and I think it is a good step in the right direction. As for the mods, I think that something could be done to ease this process such as a devkit or conversion. I think people are overreacting, a new server pluggin probably already exists for unreal, and if not one could be developed by the community or Nelson. The thing is people will always be reluctant to change, and if somehow this all fails, Nelson will probably switch back to unity. I think this an ok important step in the development of Unturned and Nelsons skillset.

I don’t fully understand why people think that moving to unreal will solve performance issues. C# and C++ are quite comparable and C# in some cases is faster than C++ (But yes I understand overall C++ is faster for reasons). It really just depends on what you’re doing. Aside from that Unity has IL2CPP. Honestly, there are significantly more graphically and processor intensive games made with Unity that perform much better. Now I’m not hating on Nelson’s work because for a solo dev this game is remarkable. However, the development speed of the game makes me wonder how much dev time has really gone into optimizing the game.

Upgrading to the newest version of Unity, .NET 4.6 and implementing IL2CPP while going through every line of code to make sure it’s optimized will take WAY less time than a full move to Unreal. And just because the game is in Unreal doesn’t mean the code won’t be written in a similar way and still be un-optimized.

And for the people that say that Unreal looks better I have 2 things to say about that.

  1. Unturned has nothing to benefit from Unreal that can not be achieved in Unity. Period.
  2. Even if it did, whenever you hear the arguement, “Unreal looks better than Unity” it’s 100% talking about built in shaders. Both engines support PBR and dynamic reflective lighting. That’s the foundation of amazing shaders and even though you have to work harder in Unity to get it it’s absolutely 100% an achievable thing to get Unity and Unreal looking the same graphically.

My opinion here is likely obvious at this point.

Nelson. Don’t switch. It’s a waste of time. :slight_smile:


No Rocket Developers cannot simply adapt… its a completely different programming language. And RocketMod will not support Unreal it is a UNITY Game Server Mod

Thanks, this pretty sums up what I thought (btw, Unturned does not use IL2CPP as the Windows player of Unity does not support it, only the UWP (Windows Store) player does it)

Honestly, performance optimisations are more important, especially in the long term, than mods (there will be new ones made anyway) or plugins. Because right now, the game runs pretty badly, if new stuff continues to be added (which I’d hope) it would only make it more laggy. Sure it is a lot more work, but it would probably pay off in the long term.

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Please actually READ the thread before you post something in it… Just because it MIGHT be moving to a new Game Engine (Unreal Engine) doesn’t mean it will perform better. If its done right then yes it COULD mean it will but same goes for if he did a full rework on the latest version of Unity

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This would make the lives of server owners much more difficult, as utility plugins wouldn’t work either, if there’s no modding in the game. Generally some server’s can have as many, or more utility plugins than plugins that modify the game play in some way. Some of these plugins can be vital to how the server runs, especially if they run more than one server.

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