Tazers and prisoners

Incase you havent read my previous response:

“Pissing people off” isnt a gameplay issue. People can also go around killing people with colts and fists, even though its not viable at all.

Turning enemy into a ragdoll is pretty much what you’d expected from paralyzing enemy

Anyhow. You still haven’t answer the main topic.

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It’s time for me to repeat myself as well, it seems.

Using a tazer in combination with a firearm is not only viable, it is actually OP. Unlike with a normal firearm, you completely disable them from running away, fighting back, or healing. This makes a tazer + gun combo absolutely OP in close quarters. Even if you miss with the tazer you can take cover and switch to your gun, resuming normal combat.

Also, it’s not really relevant to complain about repeating yourself when everyone here has to do the same.

Looks like i have to repeat myself again. Basically you are saying that its better to:

  1. Shoot a tazer with an incredibly high chances of missing and getting killed.
  2. Switching to another gun
  3. Shoot and kill

Instead of:
1.Shoot a shotgun and insta kill him, if you miss you can fire again.

Plus I dont know how you would take cover if the enemy is 5 meters away from you. I hope you realise that tazers dont use gunpowder but rather it launches, causing it to travel very close, more slowly and silently.

Also it is impossible to run away from someone or heal from a distance of 5 meters or so.

What was your “main topic”?

i regret getting into this topic because … honestly … every time ive seen handcuffed prisoners on a server it was always either very creepy or very corny

however, it would be interesting if 2 players working together could capture, lift, and move a prisoner (so that the prisoner need not be complicit to be moved between locations). If would be more effective if there was a real benefit to keeping a prisoner (prisoners increase some stat regeneration or produce some items for the ppl who have the prisoner)

It would be interesting if the prisoner could somehow enable a reward system and beacon system, so that random players are enticed to free the prisoner in a timely manner.

They aren’t retroactive, and only apply to new posts starting from, like, yesterday.

EDIT: Deleted other recent posts for derailing the thread. Don’t do that. Just mute the post if it bothers you.

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