Tell a shitty joke

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What’s the difference between roast beef and pea soup?

Anyone can roast beef. No one can pea soup. :griefer:

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Nelson gay



Here’s a funny joke:

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stop don’t start the chain I was kidding ahhhhhhHHHHHHH

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lol trolled

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What did the Clown say to the Mime?

Why you so fucking loud?


that is actually funny

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A Protestant guy moves into a Catholic neighborhood, and immediately there’s a problem. You see, this Protestant has a habit of grilling on Fridays, and Catholics abstain from eating meat on Fridays throughout the year.

So the guy’s neighbors come over and kindly ask the man to stop, because the smell of meat being grilled is extremely tempting, to say the least, especially for young children. To their pleasant surprise, the man not only agrees to stop grilling meat, but also decides to convert. So they escort him over to the church, sprinkle some water over his head, and proclaim: “you were born a Protestant, raised a Protestant, now you are a Catholic.”

Everything is fine until the next Friday rolls around and lo and behold the man is grilling again. His neighbors head over to his house to give him a reminder on Norms II and IV, and find him in his backyard. As they look on, he gingerly sprinkles water on each steak before he grills it, proclaiming: “you were born a cow, raised a cow, now you are a fish.”

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