Terrain Deforming For Base Building?

A problem I have in Unturned 3.0 is that usually when i build a base half the floor we be covered in dirt.

So I propose that putting down base floors would remove the ground above it. Double points if it only takes the ground within the players head height so that there can be underground bunkers. if there is any land above the base then supports would probably need to be in inventory for it to be realistic. Underground Bunkers would be a much needed Nerf to the raiders who would need explosives to get in(see below).

If this code has been made then thats a lot of the work needed for explosives and tools to deform the terrain. Which will probably be the main way for people to raid those underground bunkers. probably stuff like dynamite, C4, shovels and Pickaxes.

I’m not sure how hard this would be to implement and I’m sure there will be way more unforeseen bugs and fuc-(wait is this meant to be pg?) -abuse of these mechanics but I think it could be worth it because of how powerful this feature could be.

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no. exploit 100


As Spebby said, it’s too exploitable.

i don’t know. maybe it’s good if we can dig grounds using shovel. and it should be only 3 meter maximal down from the surface. but dynamite won’t be able to make holes on the ground. it will only destroy the bases.

thats the point of the dynamite, there trying to blast in and get out quickly

but the problem is… when players using dynamite too much the map will be broken : every road will be full of hole and that makes players hard to access the entire map and making the map looks ugly, except the dynamite become very very very rare items, that will reduce it. or maybe if holes is not placed some kind of flag, the holes will be a normal ground again. and the explosive should be intermediate, not massive.

I’d agree, you don’t usually find dynamite lying around anyway.
unless of course the powder gangers turn up :wink:

You should be able to chop down a tree and then remove the stump and then you would be able to build where that stump was, And to remove a stump you wound need a shovel and digging out a stump shoud use up 15% of it’s durabilty.

it would be nice if nelson could make it in a good what that is hard to exploit (wich i think he can) but yes there is a big risk of people finding ways to exploit the feature, but that depends on how it works

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