Terrain Transition “off”
Terrain Transition “on”
Basically when its “off” it visually looks like it’s on and there are transitions among the terrain. When its set to “on” it looks like its off.
Terrain Transition “off”
Terrain Transition “on”
Basically when its “off” it visually looks like it’s on and there are transitions among the terrain. When its set to “on” it looks like its off.
Pretty sure when it’s set to on it looks more realistic.
I don’t think it’s a bug, just the way it is.
Imagine not using the terrain transition
This post was made by good computer gang
Terrain transition, specifically the terrain you get with “transition on”, was originally not implemented into unturned; as of such, the older, blended-together, terrain in the above image is what you get when you turn transitions off. Because of this, you’re not actually toggling between “transition on” and “transition off”; you’re toggling between the new transition system and the old transition system. It’s similar to how trees are implemented; you can currently choose between the older, and uglier legacy trees, or the newer, and more visually superior, speedtrees.
yeah… thats cool and all, but visually it seems contradictive for the “on” ver to look like it’s not blended or transitioning at all.
Thats like if instead of “legacy” and “blending trees” you had a “better trees” option with a and
, except the “on” ver was the legacy old trees. It’s visually contradictory for the old trees to be considered “better trees”
I’m going to be entirely honest with you here; judging by the amount of screenshots taken with the new blending on, the large majority of the Unturned playerbase likes the new blending better than the old blending. It’s in the game for a reason; while with the old transitions, the terrain is sloppily blended together, the new terrain is far more crisp and sharp, providing a much more pleasing experience for the eyes.
It’s the default for a reason; people like it a lot better, it’s most likely easier on frames, and it is a lot more modern of a system. While proper transitions would be nice, it wouldn’t be possible to implement without a severe framerate or visual handicap; and, as such, the current system is preferable to the subpar (or, at the very least, what I and the vast majority of the community think is subpar) visual and technical performance of the old system.
Bringing up the example of the trees once more; even though there are noticeable and legitimate reasons to have old trees on, such as performance issues on older computers and superior combat performance, there really isn’t any good reason to not label the new transition “better transition”, as it essentially is today; it’s, as said before, more visually pleasing and technically superior.
Why the fuck do I see only “hidden content”
As already posted by others, this isn’t a bug.
The above image is a flat gradient between materials, which is the intended effect and is less resource intensive.
The below image is the transition effect, where two materials will intertwine and gradually transition into the new material, and is the intended effect.
Both are technically “transitioning” between two materials. “Terrain Transition” as a graphics option is the second effect, not the first one.
it looks better off imo
Looks worse to me off
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