The character model looks creepy

Idk if it’s just me but the character model looks all spaghetti and wobbly thin if you know what I mean.
It might just be unfinished animations or unfinished character model.

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i kinda agree, with some animations the legs and arms almost look as if they get larger just to do the animation. But its nelson, im sure he can figure out some way to fix it

I haven’t noticed this.

That’s what clothing is for. :>

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I am a bulky man, I feel like the model is underepresentative of people like me! /s

settle down arnold shwarznegg

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Anyway, the arms seem too long

Characters will be able to work out at the gym to make their spaghetti arms “Man Sized” /s

EH I definetly hope there will be atleast limted sliders for character cuztomization to make you fatter,muscular or thinner. Would also help to diferentciate women from men. Also I think that you should automatically spawn with underwear instead of being piss naked.

There’s nothing to cover up, so players don’t need to spawn with lingerie.

Why would anyone choose to be anything but the smallest target possible?

Height is what matters and if there is no height slider then its only really the hands,legs that will get affected unless you are shot from the side. Plus there is PvE and RP side of unturned where people might want this or that character.

Idk about you, I feel pretty creepy without clothes on too

I thought it was completely normal to hide in someone else’s rose bushes while completely naked.

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With an AR waiting for someone to walk out of the house and take their gear.

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