The Cold v. Turned

Hopefully cold maps will be more popular in the second iteration of the game. I like this idea.


The way your phrased it I thought you were suggesting the “Cold” as a new type of enemy, sortof like a Predator vs. Alien

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I wasn’t sure how to phrase it, “The Coldness” certainly didn’t roll off the tongue.

This is so simple yet so necessary.

It makes sense both balance-wise and immersion-wise. Good job :slight_smile:


The coldness and the way it affects the turned depends on the infection type virus , fungus or bacteria will behave diffrent at diffrent temperatures

I generally use Yarr’s post as a reference; he states it to be a sort of parasite.

Here’s the thing tho
The turned are already cold. They are basically dead and don’t produce heat. So they most likely won’t go look for warmth. But the idea of them gaining strength at the cost of speed is a very good idea


Just like reptiles how reptiles and other cold blooded animals aren’t attracted to warmth. /s

Or zombies might sometimes just freeze and be ice figurines XD

I like the idea of slowing down the pace of gameplay in winter and wintry areas, but I’m not 100% sure about making the turned into slow moving bullet sponges.

Only if I can give them jet packs and suicide vests, to create heat seeking missles.


I was more leaning towards making it a viable option to flee, or to use your environment around you to kill the Turned, for instance, leading the Turned to ice, then shattering it, making them fall in.

Well, reptiles are alive and have functioning organs to keep from freezing ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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Also reptiles are attracted to warmth. Why do you think they sit on rocks all day?

Hint: it’s because they can soak up heat that way.

Well other than. When they go to eat. But they usually sleep on large flat rocks during the day.

The only reason animals dislike fire is because they naturally fear fire as it usually means trouble. (Forrest fires and ect.)

Plus they dislike the constant strange movement from it.

The Turned do not have to behave like the most generic science fiction & fantasy type of zombie. The lore that is given on them allows Nelson far more freedom in how gameplay should work than reanimated corpses, (or fungi, viri, or bacteria as AR suggested) would.

No, they don’t that’s what makes them cold blooded.


Did you not see the /s?

I more or less used the expand button on Kylie’s post. So I didn’t notice.

My mistake.

Just because they are cold-blooded doesn’t mean they prefer cold. These animals seek heat to be active, because in cold environments, they don’t move as much. They become sluggish in cold areas but much more active in warm environments which is why you mostly see cold blooded animals in humid and warm areas instead of snowy and cold environments.

This is true:

Because this isn’t:

The question is: are Unturned zombies really reanimated dead corpses, or they are just (like their name says) Turned people - alive, but just mutated?
If they are really true undeads: do their blood is even flowing in their veins (not only because of heart beating/not beating, but also if their blood is still liquid or it turned solid [coagulation])?



According to game’s lore, people are turned because of alien virus (Washington north deadzone, notes in abandoned houses).

Unturned II is a different game, which currently is planned to have different lore.