The issue with Siege

I really don’t know sorry, you can ask around on a Rainbow Six Siege forum if you really need to know.

Also, Siege generally does have free weekends pretty frequently, I would wait until one of those hit and then you can consider buying the game. (don’t buy the starter edition)

i was on discord but the staff there is very restrict and didnt let me have my name and pfp so i left but i can rejoin

No need to worry about the starter edition. They removed it.

why did they?

They are just a very strict discord server, read their rules to understand how to get unmuted and gain access to other channels

i have never got muted man,i just got a tip by a mod to do not have that pfp and name.but i can join back and ask it out but the important thing now is why they eliminated the starter edition?

Their reasons are unclear, but the starter edition was actually pretty bad for newer players, requiring extensive grinding to get anywhere.

what did it had?

I had two randome free vanilla operators, 600 r6 credits and costed around 15-20 bucks.

You had to pay about 2500% of the regular price of operators to buy new ones afterwards.

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I used my third oldest brother’s account during the April Fool’s Event. I started off with single player bot matches for about half of an hour, then went to multiplayer matches against bots for a couple of hours, and finally felt ready to play PvP with my second oldest brother. We only played casual and the April Fool’s event matches, but still kept running into tryhards who would get butthurt every time they died or lost. I have less than 24 hours in the game, and I’ve by no means mastered it or even gotten good at it, but it really wasn’t as hard to get into as people online lead me to think it would be. Of course I have experience with tactical fps games and have watched a lot of R6:S videos, and had heard so much about the game being “hard to get used to” that I deliberately spent hours easing myself into it before even attempting PvP.

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Actually played the game waaaaay back when under NDA, when everybody only had one maybe two Operators unlocked. Less polished back then, but arguably a batter game.

I agree tho, there is a pattern with most operators being broken on launch and then being nerfed to fit in with the rest by the time most normal players have grinded them out. Couple this with the still very real peakers advantage and increasingly powerful ad less skill dependent gadgets and voila you got yourself a textbook emample of a game that was more enjoyable in its akpha/beta than it is now.

atleast is not like overwatch,but would you consider it to be a newer players friendly game to reccomend?

Siege is a good game. Very good. I have hundreds of hours and regularly play with a few queuemates. Siege is also an unforgiving game. It has a training mode for lower levels but other than that it’s a neverending baptism by fire. You’ll be constantly challenged mentally and physically to get better at the game, be quicker, think faster and smarter, learn how to play outside the box, and how to play meta and non-meta, and come up with stuff on the fly as the game changes. It’s brutal. But fun, extremely fun and to a new player, I’d recommend Siege in a heartbeat. It’s one of my must play games for people getting into PC gaming, but don’t expect it to be easy. The learning curve doubles as a Six Flags rollercoaster during the summer months. Playing Solo feels like a chore sometimes though. Have a friend or group of friends play with you in a five stack to mess around and play non-competitively and it’s a blast.


Its almost as if Unturned’s server-list is in the very same exact state.

Oh gee, who would’ve wondered?

But I see what you mean. Although I rarely played Siege, I’ve seen this kind of thing happen over and over, or so my more dedicated friends have told me. It ruins the fun for them when the new Operators come out and they’ve gone as far as to avoid the game until new ops get balanced.

Nobody uses the new player que though. It used to to 5 second to qie, and now it can take upward of over an half an hour.

Because nabling players to play how they want is somehow ruining the game in the same way as releaising straight up broken content that always get nerfed a few weeks after release. Wew lad.
I also like how the person that dropped

“[…] who would’ve wondered”

has been unironically bashing my grammar.

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