The server deciding your graphic settings

That’s an obvious one, but that depends on the game and the rig. In the case of E-Sports and contestant’s rigs, it’s an advantage; between Unturned and my rig, there was no case (and I’m sure I’m not the only one).

For better pc’s it gives you higher fps, with settings on low i get 400 fps.

Yeah but if you’re greedy and hit the lowest, you end just like me, but with way higher FPS.

No grass makes ghillie useless and its easier to spot people, the worst (most pixelated I forgot which it is) rendering form makes it easier to see people as instead of a shape running around its just jagged pixels which you can see easier, and no shadows also makes it easier to see people. Low resolution is a bad thing though, and you want the highest fov possible in my experience. In 3.0 I ran the game with literally everything on low except for trees fov and resolution to hit about 200 frames, and also to get the advantages the come with it.

Rendering should be a setting though because of how important it is but grass and atleast some form of shadows should 100% be forced on, but not at its highest setting. Maybe the lowest form of grass could straight up just be a flat green thing above the ground thats semi transparent, because honestly I dont see much wrong with better settings giving you an advantage.

I’m not sure if you are talking about low resolution or no AA, but none of these can give you an advantage. With no AA, everything is rendered at 50% resolution so the only way to get an advantage with this is when a player is 1x1 pixel in size and get’s displayed as 2x2 pixels. This is kinda dumb. Also that 1x1 pixel player might not get rendered at all, which gives you a completely pointless disadvantage.

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