As the owner of a large franchise that isn’t exactly popular, I can definitely agree. There are definitely, in your terms,
People who own successful servers to sabotage others. @ForeverBlue was shedding light on this in a DM a while ago, in regards to two owners of big RP franchises. Claims that Ascivv (from ACK) and Modern Mo (from Modern RP) have harassed other franchises they deem as competition, and have directly tried to sabotage, create chaos on other rp’s, and have sent people to try and apply for staff to become moderator and ban everyone from the inside.
They sent someone to do that to my friend foxx’s server. They failed.
Persnal opinion that has to do with politics
Capitalists will do anything in their power to generate more profit. If they think your server franchise is a threat or competition they will harass, sabotage, ddos, dox, and whatever they can do to take you out. I’ve seen it before on Unturned servers, and it’s even worse on Minecraft.
Lookup the Morai Botnet story if you want a cool one. Two kids created an entire botnet, and instead of hitting the competing server offline, they hit an entire internet provider offline.
I already have a solution for these kinds of servers headed by such people and to protect players. These people come to Unturned just to get fame and flip a profit - they have no regards to the community or the game.
Political Opinion
Whatever will bring profit for capitalist server owners will be done, even if it’s a ■■■■-move like attacking other server franchises
Theres some franchises like the RASF dedicated to helping other hosters out / help them develop stuff. Rather I’d advise you only trust credible sources like entire franchises or groups, not individual shady people.
Sketchy partnerships, I guess. Usually when I think of “partnership” I merely advertise another franchise. I’m not sure what your definition of partnership is. Maybe care to enlighten us?
A lot of server owners making shitty, poor decisions, like renting a server. These owners are not dedicated enough to have a proper server so they make the poor choice to over-pay a hoster. Usually they run out of money - and as you observe, the server goes down. If not, they need to turn to P2W in order to pay for the monthly rent.
Either way, its a poor decision on the owners end, and the players end for playing a rented server. When I look for servers I specifically look for dedicated, home-hosted ones that will stay for a long time.