The subtle problem of Abuse - Official Servers

So what’s your solution to the problem of hackers on official servers? Staff sending them a message saying ‘pwease don’t hack on our sewver’ and hoping for the best? Anticheats are flawed and don’t have a 100% success rate, look at VAC or BattlEye for example. A good friend of mine and former TF2 staff member on a server I later ran was secretly MaxBox’s right hand man for three years without getting caught by VAC or fellow staff. I’m not an expert on this but I can ask him for more info on the nuances of both cheats and anticheats since he’s an ex-pro hacker if you want.

If you want the best protection against people ruining the game for others, staff is essential. This of course has it’s own drawbacks and issues, but with proper vetting and training the worst of that could be avoided.


Staff, provided that the developer implemented tools that would aid in server moderation + player analysis.

Not including them because of potential slander is just cowardly and of poor reasoning. A good staff team would be backed up by those with common sense, and they would bite the aggressor’s reputation if the person is notorious for anything.

But again I find this post like a reminder as well. Something to consider but not something to be addressed immediately since it hasn’t happened yet.


Theres no need to solve a problem if you just prevent the problem entirely. Sorta like condoms’. :wink:


insisting I dont have common sense? ad hominem alert.


Thanks for agreeing :wink:

Well it’s obvious without me saying that even though I’m not talking about you at all.

Its also worth noting the flaw in your statement

The role is the problem, not the individual character. The individual character of all the staff being ‘good’ (and thus a ‘good’ staff team) is irrelevant.


You’re afraid someone might make mistakes in an official server that would jeopardise the whole game’s reputation?

Yes, antagonizing the concept of an admin is far from common sense.

I’m afraid cops might make mistakes in real life that would jeopardize the whole governments reputation? Is that what you’re saying?

that sounds silly. or does it? Maybe cops and their role are inherently wrong? Maybe all cops are bad? This tip-toes into politics from there, and theres a whole lot of information on why ACAB. You can take your personal time to go read up on it, but otherwise thats no mans land.

Yes, leaving no authority unchecked, unreviewed and unquestioned should be common sense.


lul this is fucking gold

What do you mean by this statement?
That Official Servers should not be implemented at all, or install an anti-cheat which is guaranteed in the first place?

Need your input on this before taking the discussion further.

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I’m not crackhead enough to believe an AC can be perfect. So yeah, I meant Official Servers shouldn’t exist to begin with. Thats basically the same conclusion and solution I reached in the other two anti-official posts.


So this whole topic is about how admins will ruin the entire game and how the game should not have any official servers?!?!?!

I think you should re-read. Including reading the comments


Ah. So your mind is set on not having any Official servers at all.

And if it will be implemented, you worry and assume that potential mistakes made by the server moderators will directly affect Unturned II’s review/rating. Mistakes that every other community server makes seldomly.

Technically yarrrr is correct that is hasn’t happened yet. lol
UII hasn’t publicly released as of this post.

I also worry about


So due to that you don’t think we should have official servers with staff at all?

And can I ask you this, How exactly would the staff abuse the game in a way that would ruin the game for other players? Sinc I don’t think they will be allowed to spawn in items and stuff like that.

And if you are telling me that official staff wont be any different from 12 year old kids abusing on their own servers then think again.

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Well boys.
We’ve concluded the thread.

Thread is a reminder, no debating. :sunglasses:


i think that this thread raises some good points, and i think the part about false abuse claims justifying bad reviews cannot be overstated. In forums and reviews, abundant threads and posts can be found relating to false bans through VAC and Battleye already. I mean how many threads contain the general direction of “Battleye banned me but i never hack game sucks”. Giving U-II a ‘human error’ justification for bad reviews only increases the leverage that these reviews have, especially with the whole idea that these are official servers with official staff. And even these consequences are assuming the best, that is assuming perfect staffing that is not actually affected by human error.

In saying this, i’m not sure what the correct course of action would be to take. This is something that must require careful thought by Nelson, as if done incorrectly could lead to disastrous results. I am not against the idea of staff or official servers, i’m pretty on the fence. But either way i think that Nelson should put serious thought into this, the servers cannot just be something thrown together last minute.


The conclusion that Rain is trying to draw is:

There’s other points he’s making, but that’s the conclusion it seems he wants people to reach after looking at his points in the various threads.


Here we go again, slightly different topic but Molt seems to be right on the money with this statement:

I want to re-iterate something I posted in another comment quite a few weeks ago. Your opinion on official servers is biased, and your points are unsubstantiated.

So if I understand your argument correctly after reading through this, IF official servers are implemented, they MUST have staff. Staff will then be abusive. Which will harm the gameplay and the games reputation.

But none of that is certain. Why MUST we have staff? Perhaps like CS:GO anti-cheat will be strong enough to have minimal hackers, and any hackers that slip through will be banned with time. Or maybe we implement a super advanced system like Overwatch reviewing system from CS:GO.

Perhaps we MUST have staff, sure. Why is it assumed that the staff will be abusive? Many organizations run on honest and intelligent volunteers without issue, and this forum is at least some evidence that Nelson has the capability to select staff that have good judgement and critical thinking skills. We have staff here, staff that isn’t abusive and seem to keep each other grounded and supported. So I don’t see why staff is assumed to be abusive.

Then maybe we should implement a better system, with checks and balances. Every ban has to be reviewed by 3 staff members, or 5 or 20. You have created a fictional system ripe for abuse in your head, then argue against it. Correct me if I’m wrong but I haven’t seen any news that staff would even be hired, let alone Nelson outlining the system for them.

At that point the staff would remove those moderators, should be simple as that. Nelson could fire anyone at anytime presumably, and staff would have their own methods of removal as well. Exactly like any organization with employees or volunteers.

So in conclusion, you have made another post without evidence filled with hyperbole which proves nothing. Save this post for when Nelson says he is going to hire staff that can ban people with impunity. Then this post will have merit. Until then, we are stuck arguing about a staff administration system which hasn’t been implemented, documented, or agreed upon.


So basically, Official servers are bad because of the possibility of abusive admins?

Look, admins aren’t dictators. They can be replaced rather easily the second they get out of line. Abusive admins are a product of bad staff and I think that Nelson is mature and professional enough not to hire idiots to moderate his official servers (that he pays for). Nelson has good incentive not to let badmins ruin UII for everyone.

I know that you just hate the idea of Official server because “Hierarchy bad” or some other delusional reason.


There wont be staff members on official servers.