The subtle problem of Abuse - Official Servers

I honestly think you guys are overstating the problem a bit too much…

If they have very harsh requirements for someone to be staff in Unturned II:
-Early Access
-Gold Membership
-Member Role on Forums
-Unturned II Gold/Similar
-Contributed significantly to Unturned II
-Liked by the community

You will have very few people who both meet these requirements and actually want to abuse. If someone meets these requirements, and has put in so much effort, they probably won’t abuse. If they do, they will most likely be caught fast.

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We just need more people like Molton.

Maybe yarrrr too?


We need what I said earlier, plus a bunch of active staff simply making sure that the other staff are doing their jobs correctly. We also need a place where players can report staff, just in case.

Molton has around a thousand hours on Unturned, but he is pretty much the Captain America when it comes to moderation.

What you’ve listed only narrows down and shuts the door on other candidates for moderator. More notably the Experienced Beret, Early Access, Gold, Member Role, and Unturned II Gold(???).

Good behaviour and fair judgement do not stem from these requirements.


I mean what is your suggestion then?

This, with Nelson’s support.

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How moderators are ideally picked - through observation and merit.

And not through checklists and segregation.


ew no

just maybe if we had more centrists. yes.

and Captain America is not objectively a good person.

thats a lot of words

Centrist politically or on views of Unturned ideas in general?

almost politically. indecisive.

Maybe Nelson should just put an ad in the local paper that he’s looking for people who have trouble committing to any particular choice, priority, or goal, since indecision is such an important virtue in this line of work.

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most players play unturned because is free an can run in very low end computers,if your a rich snob you probably would be playing h1z1 or better games for a higher price

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Realistically speaking I’d say having players apply for non-admin roles (like chat moderator, mute, etc) is fine, but for actual admins and staff with a lot of perms, he should just hire them…

srry for late reply

I’m sure Nelson would have his staff agree to follow some sort of standards. That’s not really something exclusive to banks.

Obviously, but the thing is the community involved in wanting to get a job in banking rather than getting a job in Unturned is completely different. One is way more trustable than the other and is going to be doing it for a main income source. The other is completely voluntary and nothing is stopping you from abusing your powers.

If all that it takes to stop staff from abusing is to offer better incentives to not abuse than to abuse, then I’d say the opportunity to continue staffing and playing on official servers clearly outweighs the absolutely nothing they gain by abusing.

If you’re suggesting incentives to staffing, then I’m all for it. Similar to why people don’t really grief CSGO overwatch cases – they want the xp and/or generally enjoy settling cases. If Unturned can set up a similar rewarding system then maybe staff in official servers is plausible.

Or just have a staff abuse report section!

But I thought that everybody even slightly more right than you is a facist neo-nazi?

Centrist does not neccessarly mean indecisvive. It’s not black and white.

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Implying the staff team are centrists because they’re extremely indecisive in some situations and would rather have a

approach and punish both parties.

But yes, almost everything is black and white. There is order and absolutes within everything. Such as, for example, an Official staff member spawning in items is absolutely and inherently abusive in every way shape and form. Theres no gray area there.

still too tired to reply to all this stuff. surprisingly you guys talked about it more without me. Maybe this is how every one of my threads will go. People will keep posting and posting until eventually its too much of a burden to reply to everything. sorta already happened before once or twice.

Wouldn’t it depend entirely on the staff member? Some might be more to the left, others more to the right, others in the centre, and some just couldn’t care less?


it was a joke poking at staff members since historically centrists are too indecisive and don’t get anything done.