The Turned (Huge list of ideas)

Extradimensional according to the excursions Trello card.

I don’t understand why Revenants need a separate category from walkers. Sure, a high level player with good gear would become a turned which is above average at somethings and has above average gear, but a fresh spawn who gets turned would have below average stats and gear.

If becoming one of the turned is reliant on losing HP, then players can’t kill someone about to be turned to prevent having to fight a revenant, and players could prevent turning by spamming bandages.

One type that your list lacks, which I would like to see in the game would be an equivalent to headcrabs, flood infection form, necromorph swarms, and necromorph swarmers. Small low health enemies like them would fill a unique niche among the types of infected and allow for other types like an equivalent to the flood carrier form and necromorph pregnant or an equivalentto the gonarch or a weaker more common type of spawner or pods full of them. If they were added I would expect them to have low health, and do low damage, but have a small hitbox and move fast relative to their size. Maybe they would do a fairly high amount of “turning point” damage and/or be able to reanimate ragdolls.

I’ll say what I said on Narc’s post

I can’t say I support any effects of light on the turned beyond what I’ve already stated. unless the light is concentrated into a powerful laser beam

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