Third person perspective - Debate

So they are the same? If so why not remove it, it is the same

I would like 3rd person as an option. I like looking at my character when I am walking/driving long distances.

I never thought of third person as a good idea. And there’s not any good solution to it. Disabling crosshair would not solve anything, the problem is that you can see things you shouldn’t, like people behind a wall. I think there should be no third person option.


3rd person needs to go away FOR GOOD.
I mean,it’s just so broken and unrealistic,that it is just tiring for the mature Unturned community.

Tired of seeing those “Hardcore” PVP’ers bunnyhopping and using 3rd person all the time.

I might sound a llitle angry in this post,and I am sorry for that.But we all have to admit that enough is enough.


EXACTLY! (10 char limit)


Lmao you just had a condom taped to your monitor? Of all the things you could use

Durex is also tape.


as long as there is not first person only servers and both perspective servers. It really divides the community.

you can disable crosshair, have it so you can only aim in in fp, and blur out the sides, its not hard to balance.

I think slight blur when aiming via ironsights should be everywhere except for foresight, as eye should focus there

The problem is not aiming on someone, but anyway, you can see there’s someone behind the wall, and that’s the advantage, even if it is blurred.

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I personally like playing both perspectives, first person for PvP and third person for over (I like seeing my character)

I 100% agree servers with both shouldn’t be added for 4.0 it should be one or the other (admin/owner decides)

About splitting the community you run the risk of 3.0 player that use third person not coming back for 4.0 if it’s first person only.

I think it’s in Nelson’s interest to include both but should keep them separated.

Well, I imagine something like equiping gun would automatically switch to FP

Why do you automatically associate Third Person with PUBG and then continue to “bash” on PUBG players ?

I still use first person, only using third to drive sometimes, or to check how well I’m hidden.

This doesnt make a major difference when it comes to combat, youd go into first person before shooting the guy anyways like 7/10 times if he wasnt rushing you

Completely false. If you have ever played 3.0 (and bent over to the meta) you would know that everyone uses thirdperson unless you are sniping. It completley removes recoil from almost all guns and you can quickly go back and forth from first to third to hit accurate shots without getting lost in your scope. I wish I could play on 1st person servers in unturned, but 3rd person is just far too much of a crutch for me. The only real problem I have with 3rd person is defenders advantage, because it makes survival gunplay really slow, but other than that, if everyone can use it is it really unbalanced? Im not saying I like 3rd person, because I think it makes fighting people boring but its not super unbalanced outside of defenders bias

I never do combat in 3rd person, is that why it seems I do so terribly in PVP in this game?

Probably that is why

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