Timeline and Infection Progression

Redcomm said:

Despite the fact that, before he even joined the conversation, I had already clarified that:

Which left me disheartened, so I said:

Why do I even bother to write anything?
To which Redcomm replied something I can’t make sense of about us arguing or not arguing points points.
So I edited this reply to try to make myself clearer.

You’re arguing for a point that I never argued against.

I have no idea what you’re talking about, but I’ve edited my previous reply in case I’m the cause of confusion here.

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All I saw was an argument over eating brains and why such tropes don’t necessarily apply to Turned.

I like this idea a lot.

I think that that the Turned should have “bio-mass armor” on harder difficulties to compensate.

Also, giving the Turned more ways to take advantage in higher difficulties would be neat.

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“giving the turned more ways to take advantage” What are they taking advantage of?

Mutations could help the Turned get the upper hand in combat and maneuverability.

I would like to see the water and electricity working for the first few ingame weeks, kinda like project zomboid if you have played it.

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