Today is gonna be the day


What is actually up with you? In every single thread you go after him and constantly proclaim that you barely bring politics to the forum but almost every one of your posts is politically motivated or an attack on someone.

Nooooooooooo you can’t make inside jokes during a content drought no you need to make actual suggestions or off-topic political posts no memes bad bad bad why are the forums declining when there’s no updates from Nelson in a long time no memes


When is the last time prior to this, that anybody here saw a #community-lounge thread where 90+ replies were entirely OC?

Feel free to name one. I’ll wait.


“Nelson, this is a message from us to you” is the only one that I can remember being anywhere near this, and that one broke the forums


Hey! just so you know I enjoy these threads, just cause I made that Superior 8values thread, this one gets a good laugh out of me too!
also holy fuck @RedCo i’ve never seen a thread with so many replies

Yeah, I think that thread has the largest number of replies to date.

It’s also a like farm that I used to generate an badge, but we don’t talk about that.

Alright, clearly the non-regs are going to bank on this idea, so how about we quickly make a new chain game thread before that happens?


how dare you forget 100 reply thread

that glorious thread

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Someone already tried, didn’t work.

it’s two years old, the new ones might try again

ahh yes brings back memories

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you cant redo something so great

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I concur.



isnt rektbyskills the guy who cheated and got banned then made a thread on here begging to get unbanned


Luckily I haven’t become one of those pixel things.