Two Eyes

You get 2 horizontally spaced cameras in your head as opposed to one centralized one.

You can select your dominant eye in the options (default to right), this will affect the holding position of your firearm as well as which image will be the primary focus of your eye. For the sake of simplicity, let’s say cross-dominant eyes don’t exist.

In a hypothetical situation wherein this feature is implemented, imagine you’re looking around a corner with only one eye peeking out, you still see the wall in front of you, but it’s transparent and you can see the rest of your environment from the perspective of the other eye, things you already know. You expose less of your body while peeking around a corner as well.

One of my biggest gripes with most FPSes is the fact the rear sights of your gun aren’t transparent and aren’t even useful, because the front sight would always be enough of a signifier as to where the bullet travels (but that’s for another time). For those of you who didn’t know, you’re supposed to focus on the front sight with your dominant eye while looking down the rear sights to ensure their alignment (meaning the rear sights are out of focus, transparent), and a clean shot to your target as a result.

I would continue to discuss image blurring (or rather objects out of focus), but the community had already decided against it.

As for the performance concerns, I personally believe Unreal Engine can handle it.

I presume enough has been said.

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0 voters

And then I remembered focus doesn’t exist and this would be a giant mess. Well, it was worth a shot.

Nah #cyclopsgang


I disagree for a few reasons. As far as performance is concerned, it’s still dual-rendering. Performance is going to take a hefty, and lower-end players will definitely feel it. At that point, I’d personally much rather have dual-rendered scopes (which are present in U3 but won’t be in U4) than two eyes.

That’s not to say I don’t find a lot of “hyperrealism”-based mechanics cool, it’s just that most don’t have a place in games, especially, when they’re going to necessitate a performance drop. Which is sad, because I’m also the guy who’d love a game that actually did this (especially if that same game gave the player “functional” glasses, which would be absolutely hellish).

Unfortunately, I don’t think it’s important enough for a game like Unturned to focus on prioritizing that performance hit over. There’s genres and story-building concepts that could potentially really work the idea into something cool, at least as a (albeit disorienting) tech demo, but it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense for U4.

EDIT: I’d be interested to see how Nelson plans on implementing the support for Tobii Eye Tracking though, even if eye tracking isn’t going to be similar to your suggestion for translucently dual-rendered objects.

Rather than have two artificial eyes controlling how objects are rendered, eye tracking will help those using it navigate menus and perform desired actions more dynamically and intuitively (hopefully™). But that’s not super on-topic for your suggestion, besides being about eyes.


this post rolling up like


god no i don’t want to bring my shitty eyesight issues into a video game. i think aiming in video games is simplified for a reason. shooting a gun in real life, while not inherently hard, involves enough factors that not only do i think it isn’t feasible to port them over to a video game, but would make something that should be fairly simple for a video game into something far more complex. i don’t even want to bring up the fact that shooters tend to not always shoot with one eye open or both eyes open but sometimes a mix of the two

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maybe we should make it so that you need to go to the toilet after a while and vomit when you’ve eaten too much food, also scratchable itches

in all seriousness this is a game where you don’t have hands and your head is a cube, you really think that Nelson should waste his time making this a thing rather than work on actual things relevant to gameplay

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just no honestly

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“realism for the sake of realism is bad”


These things simply cannot be replicated on a monitor like in real life. For example we can easily “see trough” our nose in real life, not be bothered it, or we can focus on it and see right at it, but on a monitor it would always be there blocking some part of the screen, becoming a nuisance.

@Number_one (the OP) already edited the original post about an hour after it was posted because he realized this.

That being said, eye trackers do exist so it can be replicated, it’s just not something that’s been done before because it’s a rather peculiar idea to begin with, and because eye trackers as gaming hardware isn’t commonplace yet (and is a rather unexplored field when it comes to being adapted for gaming).

Theoretically though, a tech demo utilizing Tobii Eye tracking (or something similar in nature) could replicate stereo parallax and peripheral vision. There’s not a huge demand for making advancements in eye tracking though, and even though something like the Vive Pro has eye-tracking, the Valve Index does not (afaik), which is unfortunate for eye-tracking enthusiasts.

God you just love overusing memes

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