Unturned 4.0 idea

Maybe add explosive tanks or explosive barrels.
So when you shoot them they explode.


Why? Where? What purpose would they serve other than ‘generic shooty explodey barrel’ like 4.0 is gonna be Borderlands or something

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Hmm… maybe it can be used as gas storage?

Im not refrencing any games it’s just an idea like some player goes near a gas tank and you shoot it and it explodes with the player thus killing him

4.0 is meant to be a more survival-based iteration of Unturned. It’s not a shooter like Call of Duty or Battlefield with exploding barrels littering the maps. There needs to be an actual use for them.


The explosions in Unturned don’t even look cool

I think it could be fun if the gas tanks at places could explode. There could be purposes for it in pvp and pve. (if the zombies are actually made challenging shooting the tanks would attract all of them to it etc etc.) Its obviously a small thing but I don’t see any reason why it Shouldn’t be in the game.

Step 1: Shoot a nice big hole in an oil barrel
Step 2: Fill an empty casing with gunpowder and seal with paper
Step 3: Blow up the barrel

bullet =/= fire


Good job you made a leaky barrel of gasoline


Not in all cases, but certainly in many

Well, it depends on the distance really. Because the longer the bullet has been travelling, the more air resistance it has been going through and that much resistance/friction makes heat. On certain distances (about 50ft and above), the bullet would be hot enough to ignite the gas.


I thought it would be hottest after it exits the barrel. Good to know.

Well, I’m not sure how hot the bullet would be, but there would most likely be some burning powder at the muzzle. (Although with light loads of powder, long barrels, or a combination of the two, there could be little to no muzzle flash.)

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The barrels/muzzles certainly heat up after sustained fire.

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Yeah, just stick it in the hole and pull the trigger repeatedly!

I like this idea because more interactivity with a map allows the player more options with how they want to play the game. Want to deal with a big horde but don’t have much ammo? Lead them into your trap!

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Ah, strategy. Because killing yourself woth a gas barrel and pistol is quite intellectual.

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Well it’s not like hes suggesting you would spawn with these

im guessing these are barricades that can be crafted/ maybe found already placed and when fire they will explode, a lot of games have these especially FPS, but i wouldn’t mind seeing one in 4.0 because after all that would be pretty cool

Not sure if these guys realise that the explosive potential of gas tanks/oil drums are commonly exaggerated in games.


Usually, yes, but propane tanks, even small one make a massive explosion once you manage to light them on fire. Gas only explodes if it evaporates in a concentrated area.

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agreed and also if so theyd have to add a way to limit the explosion to the top bit of the barrel cause if you shoot the bottom of a propane tank there no boom
also gg on that awesome grammar how do you do it?!?!?!?!