Unturned 4.x loot

Im going to keep this post simple . All I want in this post is to make drops and spawns in unturned more normal I dont think that zombies should drop tape or rope , they would money , phone . These items can be scrapped into crafting materials.

When making posts about such a topic, you HAVE to elaborate and provide detailed ideas to make the loot spawns better, you canā€™t just say: ā€œI want loot to be normal and better than Unturned 3.0ā€ and suddenly have better loot spawnsā€¦

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Sorry I didnt have much time and I accidentally posted it.can I somehow delete this post???

I mean realistically people could have anything in their pockets. Youā€™ll never know if someoneā€™s got potatoes in their pants

or a knife, cloth, nails(???)

Iā€™m sure the item spawn tables are ok enough to make the item drops look ā€˜Realisticā€™ if thatā€™s what you want to see

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Pero, when you have time, just make the post more in depth. I do see where you are coming from though.

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You can edit the post and make it longer and more detailed, that would also work.

the entire looting system is kinda dumb. Zombies die, thereā€™s just materials around their dead body? Like some RPG from the 90ā€™s. If there was a looting system for the ZOMBIE, like the zombie having its own inventory kinda thing, you could look through the pants, coat, shirt etc.

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Stuttgart, that is confirmed by Nelson already!

But they sure donā€™t have a 50cal. sniper rifle on them (Military zombies)
Seriously,I once killed a military zombie and it dropped a grizzly.:man_facepalming:

Once (or twice) they dropped a rocket launcher for meā€¦

(And a hand full of matamori)

Revelent to topic, you can adjust the zombies to drop what you want, itā€™s a feature alreadyā€¦

Just not fully utilised into dropping relistic loot.

(They could drop minor prepping and melle weapons, but in actuality they drop potatoes and bricks)

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really? Where?

Read the devlogs, and his Trello, and his GitHub.

I donā€™t mean playerā€™s jackets, I mean pants/jackets for zombies, and you could look through each similar to the player inventory, but on the zombie, like you could transfer between the zombie corpse and the player inventory, similar to transferring items from storage

Yes. Nelson has stated in one of the devlogs (or somewhere) that looting corpses is going to happen instead of the lootsplosion

woah, nice.

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