Unturned Crashes after successfully launching. Don't know why. Someone enlighten me please

I can’t really describe the issue I am facing, but I do have video of it. Have had this information for about a year now on my computer. I run on Windows 10 currently.

I have done some research and have not seen anyone else with this issue (or so I think). It’s usually something like a bug, but I am completely stumped. Tried to reinstall, no luck.

Here is the video link if you want to look into it.
Please get back to me as soon as you can. Thanks!

-Minergames YT

UnityDebug logs would be appreciated. You can find them in the “Logs” folder, in Unturnd’s directory.

You said you tried to reinstall, you could try to delete all of Unturned off of your hard drive, instead of just uninstalling through steam.

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Thank you for the assistance, Spebby. I found 2 files in the Logs folder, “Client” and “Client_Prev”, both about 18GB in size, which might be too large to upload. (18,389,547 KB each) I attempted to open these files first in notepad, then in MS Word. Long story short, they won’t open bc they are too big. Where do I go from there?

(I will do the Hard Drive reinstall once I have tried this method.)


That’s your problem then, something is going horribly wrong when you open the game. Can you take a look at the files and see if anything is repeating on mass?

i love the mic spanking UWU

Its probably your staging in the rocket that is the issue
if I were you, I would talk to NASA for that problem

Okay, so if you are referring to me trying to attempt opening the files, then I have to say that such a tack is currently impossible to do. Upon attempting to open the files in Notepad or MS Word, it refuses to open, saying it is too large of a file.

(mentioned this in my previous response)

Also, I am not really sure what you mean by “repeating on mass”, but I would assume it’s some sort of data loop that doesn’t stop repeating, causing a crash. Unturned has been this way for me on my laptop for well over a year now, and I have only just recently attempted to look to the forums for aid.
Thank god some people exist who can help me out.

p.s. you also helped me find something I was planning to look for in the future in the process, just cause I was a wee bit curious about what the other files were. So, thanks for that lol.

Sorry about that xd, my headphones aren’t the best of quality.

Yep. The file being that large makes me suspect that.

task failed succesfully

Aight then, what do I do?

I thought of a fix that may or may not work, depending on the circumstances.
Replacing the Client and Client_Prev files with files of the exact same name, though the new files will be completely empty. I fear though it may cause something irreversible, though. Your thoughts?

The file is completely rewritten every time you launch the game. You could try to launch the game again and see what happens to the file.

Aight, I will replace the files, and I will see what happens. (Hopefully this works XD)

p.s. I was editing the Unturned Wiki while i waited for a response so there’s that lol.

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Aight. It is ready. Let’s hope this works.

The Results are in. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sq_Fm7qfRQk

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All I literally had to do was delete the logs. I don’t know how it worked, but it did.

Happy boomer laptop noises


Perhaps the game was unable to overwrite the logs without crashing, and deleting them forced the game to generate new ones, thus avoiding the problem causing the crash. How they got to big in the first place is a mystery though.

What probably happened is the log got so big, due to never being wiped. That log built up over time, thus the issue.

Clear your logs from time-to-time guys!

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