I planned on making a “P9nda Says…” or Hide’n’Seek video in Unturned II sometimes this or next week. I know theres not that much you can do regards to movement for example, but would still make a fun video I think. I was wondering if anyone of the forum frogs here would be interested to join
I would have to wait a couple days for me to get back home, but if it’s still an option… Sure?
Yeah If I’m online at the time I’m down to join.
Not sure about the other forum frogs, I probably wouldn’t show up since there are next-to-no hiding places on the CQC map.
The hiders just need to make sure there’s no keys left for the seeker, and lock themselves up.
Edit: I’d be willing to participate though.
It’d be interesting if we somehow ended up with a hide and seek map thrown in. I can be a willing test dummy if I’m available when this happens.
The hiders would probably be able to move around to make it a little easier for them
I will let you know by tagging everyone that would like to join once I have a date for the recording
@Aj_Gaming @Oyamat @Mikey @Froggo @anon24515308 @CravenWarrior
(@froggo hes onto our plans backout backout)
if i could join i would
but my pc is potato and runs like shit because of 4
Yeah mabye.
I might be busy
In case it influences the scheduling: I’m planning to release a medium 4.x update on Friday (Aug 2nd) focused on bug fixes and optimization.
Im also interested and I think I may come if I can.
I will join if I can.
Sounds good
Maybe I’ll join too
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