I am visiting this forum every once a while when I got some free time and I have noticed that many, if not even the majority of the forum users want unturned to become a “realistic hardcode survival game”. Realistic as in realistic mechanics, not graphics. I started playing Unturned the day it launched on steam and have currently over 4300 hours on my main steam account. I never started playing it because it was realistic in any way, I started it because it was fun in its own way and im pretty sure neither did anyone here. I support the idea to make Unturned harder in general and not as pvp-sided as it is now. I used to play Rust and enjoyed the grind and always wanted to have this feeling in Unturned aswell. It might just be me but I have the feeling some people here think its going to be the next hardcore simulation. Nelson barely gets constructive feedback by the players that actually still play the game how it is now. From what I have seen so far is that the majority of this forum wants Unturned to be a realistic, very slow paste game, but what about the other 99%?
Since we are already here, Unturned II also needs an Arena Mode/BR. Its fun and doesnt affect anyone that doesnt want to play Arena/BR. For content creators like me its also the only way to still stream Unturned due to the amount of stream snipers there are in this community. Its just not worth to grind for something, that you will lose anyways.
I would like to hear your guys opinion on that. Also include the hours on record in the comments to see what people with certain playtime think
I’m highly sure Arena will return as planned on Trello (I mean there’s no reason for it to not come back)
Aside from that, I think it’s just some people (Not everyone) overestimating the ‘hardcore survival’ part and misinterpreting the idea of realism (Which is meant to be a comparison of difficulty, not the game’s concept). Dev mentions that realism for the sake of realism is bad so just like you said one would only use realism to make things interesting.
Yeah, because 99% of those people don’t even know that this forum exists. Shows how interested they are in their game’s future, not to mention that most of the players of Unturned 3.0 are all PVP/Sandbox/Role Play players, barely anyone plays vanilla. They all play Rocket Mod servers, which i’m sure would be a thing in 4.0 sooner or later i’ve never heard anything about restricting the modding community in 4.0. And it was also Nelson’s decision to go that way, we, as the forum’s users, give him ideas and suggestions BASED on the already realistic foundation that Nelson made.
It is very understandable that you want Unturned to be not too realistic because it’d not be as fun. Let’s be honest, for content makers, it’s always more fun when there’s action, things going fast paced, and a lot of people participating and stream sniping won’t be as harsh. Arena will definitely have it’s time sooner or later. There’s no denying that Arena will be in Unturned II.
However, the 99% that you have refered to are the ones that asked Nelson to turn the game into a PvP fest, when Nelson wanted Unturned to be a survival game. Since 3.x has already taken the PvP road, it would be much easier for Nelson to make another game that is exactly how he wanted. There are still gonna be servers with intense PvP and/or intense PvP mods for everyone to enjoy, but for the most part, Nelson wants the game to be a realistic hardcore game.
I think Unturned should definitely become more realistic. Some things like no bullet penetration, instant healing, etc ruins a lot of the gunplay. I’d say more but not much to think about.
Fiffe is making a battle royale mod, which I hope gets really popular. But I’m pretty sure that most of the forum users just want there to be less kill on sight, “the grind” as you stated, more survival aspects (like different calibers of bullets doing more or less damage to animal meat, and campfires burning out), and harder npc enemies.
If you’re like me, you understand that for forever we’ve never had true survival mechanics in Unturned. It was basically hit a grocery store, hit a military base, maybe build a base, and then non-stop PvP. Survival was easy to the point where it became less of a mechanic and more of a “oh, my hydration is low, I’d better farm the vending machine again”. The 99% of the playerbase, being avid PvPers, wanted Unturned to stay this way. But many of the veterans wanted this to change someday, and that day will soon be upon us.
Nelson has promised us something along the lines of a hardcore, survival-centric game (just a reminder that I actually asked him directly about this), and to people like me this was a glimmer of hope that Unturned could return to its true roots, away from mindless PvP. This is why we’re all pushing non-PvP aspects of the game here - PvP is simple and overdeveloped in comparison. This is the push we need, the opportunity we’ve been waiting for.
Also, when you mention the 99% - most of these people don’t even know the SDG Forums exist, nor do they care enough to voice their opinion maturely or in a way that counts. See also: any comments section of update notes.
50% of the player base doesnt speak english well enough to use these forums, let alone know they exist, let alone actually having a desire to non discuss things without being immature and incredibly toxic. Most of the playerbase wants constant pvp, overpowered guns and plays on kits and creative servers i.e the majority of your fanbase. Because 4.x is going to be far more survival oriented it will probably weed out some of the more extreme pvp fanatics, but I dont imagine the player base will change too much.
I do agree that alot of people whine way too much about realism, especially when it comes to guns, and getting into really annoying arguments that go on for way too long about calibers and gun classifications.
And yes nelson gets tons of negative feedback, but thats just because people care way more if something is flawed than if it is perfect. Alot of people have been complaining about the latest updates because all they are just curated maps (which get really unfair amounts of hate because they come out later) and bug fixes which people complain about because it doesnt add gameplay.
The other 99% of the community are the people who complain about everysingle change made by nelson on the steam forums, which you can see if you look at the comments of every single update.
Also, arena is going to be in the game, even if its not official its going to be modded in by the community.
Source: Been playing since the first week of 2.0, probably over 2000 hours over different accounts
i wouldnt worry about that. it looks like the game will have survival mechanics more fleshed out than 3.0 and thats it basically lol so it will be again more like sandbox game than survival game
I have no idea where you got that information from. The game is going to become survival-centric, and is getting a complete renovation of everything. So no, it’s not going to be the same as 3.x.