Vehicle Interaction

it would be nice if when you catch a player with a vehicle, you could take him out of the vehicle to remove it and check the player’s inventory, unless he has it blocked and can run away

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I feel like your topic titles are a bit vague and don’t immediately convey the ideas you’re trying to suggest in the manner. They’re short, but vague.

Do you mean “drive away”, if the vehicle was locked? I was assuming that your suggestion was to let players pull other players out of vehicles. If you did mean “run away”, are you also suggesting something that would allow players to have their inventory “blocked”?


No, I meant that they have the car locked and they can escape in the car, not by running

Okay. So, on the off chance you come across someone in a vehicle that’s stationary and unlocked, what’s preventing them from simply driving away?

Please do clarify. Right now what I’m thinking you’re saying is “stopping a vehicle with a player in it” or “finding an afk player in a car” and that’s a bit strange.

Easier vehicle stealing? No thanks.

Okay, that’s a bit far. On an earlier topic somewhere mid-2019 the majority of the forum agreed that being able to check the entirety of somebody else’s inventory is completely unbalanced and not a good idea. Please don’t do this.

This is just downright confusing, if you don’t lock your vehicle then you’re either

  1. stupid
  2. forgetful
  3. playing in a PvE server/creative

I don’t understand any of this very well, if you could explain it a bit better it would help. But from what I’ve read…

  • stop or find a player in a vehicle
  • the vehicle is unlocked (unlikely)
  • get the player out (easier vehicle stealing pls no)
  • check his inventory (a bit op ngl)

sounds crazy.

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I say that being able to check the inventory of others is fine as long as they willingly surrender and are restrained. Or under certain, modded in circumstances.


I meant under the guise that you found somebody random, stopped them while driving at like, say, 60 mph, then checked their inventory. That would just be retarded.

But yes, I agree with your statement. That would be a more balanced way of putting it.

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I meant that if your team is walking down the road and suddenly a player with a vehicle passes by where they are, they can point guns at him and tell him to stop the vehicle and then pull him out, and if he doesn’t stop he risks getting his tires broken and when he gets out of the vehicle he will die

WTF, but if that interaction’s gonna be in 4.0

Yes, they would have to voluntarily surrender or risk dying and losing skills

First of all, walking in the open is a bad idea in any PvP server

If I saw a team of people in the middle of the goddamn road, I’m turning around and going the other way.

Well, that’s what camouflage and trees are for :slight_smile:

If you did that, they’d easily blow up your car and kill you

this aint gta but ok

Yeah, it’s a little bit like the GTA. :sweat_smile:

That’s some heavy estimate there. This entire suggestion is kind of layered in between “this could work” and “this is a shit idea”.
A scenario:
A single person is driving an APC down the road.
You’re with a team of bandits, with mostly ranger gear hoping to get some better loot.
You signal for them to stop, and they stop their car.
The driver exits, and surrenders.
Check his inventory, and he has civilian loot.
Tell him to drop it, even though it’s low-grade.
On his cue, an entire team of players with end-game gear exit the car and your team gets disintegrated by 4 dragonfangs or whatever modded shit you people have in your servers.

tl;dr Since everybody knows about this now, people are just going to use bait-and-switch tactics to kill bandits. Basically kind of useless, just kill them to get their damn loot.

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