Vending machines

I think a new mechanic would be vending machines, they would work like the ones in rust. You could have different trades for different things. Any item brought or sold would be taken out on put into the vending machines inventory.
Also I think things on sale in npc shops would be on shelves, you would choose your items and then pay at the counter, but you wouldn’t actually pick up the items until brought/ payed for.


robbing npc’s could be cool too, except it would make the other npc’s hostile and attack you, but you could steal money and stuff from NPC’s if you were geared.

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That would be pretty cool! I think It could put a use into the Money!

I wonder if the money will still have value in the middle of zombie apocalypse?

Yes, but make the fact that they show up on the map optional?

Also, this reminds me.
On the topic of vending machines: why can I not just break the vending machines which require me to power them to get the drink inside?
Makes no sense, Nelson.

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I kind of made a post about robbing people. You could check it out, it would work the same on NPCs.

Really money probabily no but any thing with use and sought had your value.

In rust for example things like Sulfur (Base material to make bullets explosives raid itens in general are very traded)

Or Scrap (Base material to research other itens)

and believe or not Wood (You find in any place but a certain point on game its + easy kill other peoples and sell your itens for a good ammount of this more basic material than you use in start game to get a simple spear)

Money just had value because peoples give that value to the money.


So you just get more geared than the NPCs in an area and they become a constant source of easy loot?

Yep, that’s how it’s probably going to be, but hey! Maybe there would some kind of mechanic, our NPCs would be just OP :stuck_out_tongue:

You could only rob certain things for balancing, if your caught the NPCs wont trust you so its balanced. I mean they would notice if you stole the gun out of there hands. Or the clothes on there body.

Well you’re either going to kill them or be killed by them, and they wouldn’t respawn in the same area. Maybe other NPC’s would start hunting you down, too.

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