View items ported by zombies

Currently twists when we go out killing zombies and he releases a gun we are surprised and if we could see what he is taking? For example, suppose the zombie is carrying an assault rifle, so we see that the rifle on his back, zombie stuff, like batteries, does not have to be shown because it’s in his pocket, but things like pistols, rifles, be seen on the back. or waist this would be useful, so if we go to a military base, we can see the zombies that carry weapons (which are very few like now, but now we can see what it is taking) and not take unnecessary risks trying to get a good drop .


So if a zombie had an assault rifle, it would be slung across it’s chest/back? Interesting.

Saw some people who suggested that some zombies could dumbly try to smack you with whatever they’re carrying (including guns), and I agree, as it may be more challenging in certain way.

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It might be possible but we still do not know what kind of zombie the unturned II will be if the style the walking dead, the last of us or World War Z because it would take a certain level of intelligence and how the brain was left by the virus fungus) so you do not know if the zombies will be smart enough to use objects to attack.

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