Different traps should in Unturned 4.X should actually fill different roles, rather than just being slightly more or less durable versions of eachother that do slightly more or less damage than eachother. Variations of traps from different materials (given the way 4.X is coded, it will be much easier to add new versions of items for different materials) might just give slightly different values, but fundamentally different traps should have different effects on different targets, some traps could capture a small animal but just be stepped or driven over by other targets, some traps could disable a vehicle but wouldn’t leave much of an animal left to harvest, some could pop tires or injure players and zombies, but be slipped through by smaller animals.
Vaulting, jumping, or falling onto spike traps should damage any player, turned, or animal. Small game animals (that aren’t falling into the spikes), players who are standing still, and players who are looking down and moving slowly should be able to be in spike traps without getting damaged. This way instead of spike traps just being different from other traps by their durability and damage value, they would be used for specific purposes like hunting specific animals, killing zombies, allowing players to move through unharmed but still put them in a disadvantaged position, harming anything that attempts to vault, climb, jump, or skydive, etc around a wall, and popping tires without blowing cars up.
Barbed wire coils and thorny thickets can entangle players, zombies, and animals (except for very small ones) that attempt to pass through them and (depending on the size of the barbs and thorns and what protection the victim is wearing) may cause dangerous puncture wounds, but can be cut quite easily by using shears, scissors, or wire cutters.
Razor wire coils appear similar to barbed wire, but are under tension and when cut will whip around and cut anyone nearby (unless the person or zombie is wearing cut resistant armor.)
Cheval-de-frises, knife rests, cacti, and barbed wire fences block players, zombies, and large animals, but don’t cause damage unless being run into or attempted to vault over. They aren’t effective as boobytraps against players or animals, but can restrict the available paths of anything big enough not to fit through them and unequipped to cut through them.
Snares can be used to catch prey without damaging much of the meat or pelt, but what you catch in them will eventually get despawned/spoiled/eaten by other animals, and the trap will need to be reset before it can catch anything again regardless of whether or not you emptied it in time. A small rodent might not trigger a bear trap and a bear wouldn’t fit into a rodent trap. Snares would serve as a good way to get food, if you know what prey you’re likely to catch in an area and if you harvest from and reset your traps consistently, but are specialized to specific sizes, and can’t be used against large volumes of people, turned, or animals.
Anti personnel mines are highly effective against human and turned threats, but are too powerful to leave much meat or pelt to harvest, and not powerful enough to consistently disable heavy vehicles (bicycles are probably not gonna survive them though.) They are costly, self destructive traps.
Anti vehicle mines are highly effective against vehicles, but aren’t triggered by anything else (except maybe extremely large types of animals and turned,) might not leave much of the vehicle left to salvage or repair, certainly would ruin any meat or pelt that was caught in their blast, are some of the most costly traps and destroy themselves after one use.
I don’t suggest these as a list of traps that need to be added to the game, but as examples of how traps can be differentiated from eachother.
Another thing that it might be good to do with traps is limiting how closely different types can be placed to spawn points and safezones. Not only could this protect you from spawning onto a landmine, but it could force players to cover a larger perimeter (meaning higher resource costs, and more difficult maintenance) if they want to fence fresh spawns in and allow the fenced in area to be big enough for fresh spawns to find or make the tools needed to get, and it would also allow antitank mines to be placed nearer to spawn areas (though probably not directly on the spawn points, to protect spawn areas from being too easily dominated by an asshole in a tank, and it could allow aoe and projectile type traps to be placed further from spawn points based on how far their ranges are.