Weather Events & Natural Disasters

Currently in 3.0 we only have 2 weather events, rain and snow.
Rain doesn’t really do anything, doesn’t effect wooden bases and their health, like say the wood rotting or getting soft from rain over time.

But snow does, we can get blizzards, as far as I know Yukon is the only vanilla map to include actual weather events that effect the style of how you have to play the game. In 4.0 I’d like to see this more prominent, weather being an actual factor to survival and what you need to do.

Currently when you build a base, the only thing you worry about is other players. To nature your base is indestructable, unless base decay is a thing on the server.

A few suggestions, some are a little bit overboard and realistic I apologies:

  1. Wind, before you yell about tornadoes and the crazier parts, wind should be a problematic factor depending and where the map is based on where the map is located for example, Tornado Alley in the United States, this is a place where statistically most Tornados occur in the world.
    If we where to have a map based in an area where tornados are existant but not too frequent, I’d like them to be an actual alternate threat to players bases, other than just players.

But of course there is the rest of the world. In valleys wind speed is usually higher than on the plains, so during a storm wind speeds could reach up to 70km/h (43M/h), and cause maybe such damaged to vehicles, like to trucks which have a high center of mass could topple over when empty, since their enclosed cargo bays are like sails on a boat. And on a flatter enviroment wind speed wouldn’t cause any issues, or maybe the minor barrel falls over, I’m not too sure how Nelson would like to do it.
I apologies for any false environment facts I may have just listed here, I’m no weather expert.

  1. Rain, 3.0 rain does to my knowledge, absolutely nothing to effect the way players have to play the game in especially survival. For pvp as well it doesn’t really create any sort of fog or mist that makes it hard to see through as distance progresses like in real life, I’d like to see maybe variants of rain, like light, normal and heavy rain. And each type has their own effects. Light rain would only just be rain, it wouldn’t effect anything too much.
    Normal rain would be able to effect wooden and metal structures, player built or not, as a sort of corresive element to metal structures like rusting, and making wood soggy or rot faster, maybe something to think of for hard survival mode bases. And to add, not only just buildings, maybe vehicles too?
    And then we have heavy rain which could cause slight fog, say for example if a base didn’t have a roof or a trap door was left open, it could allow water to fill up within the base, maybe only a few milimeters or centimeters depending on how hard the rain was, this is a iffy one but I’d thought I’d would add it to the list.
    But for each rain type, light, normal and hard, there would be equal variants of the amount of fog each would create.

  2. Snow, currently in 3.0 the only single weather element to effect play style, with blizzards we have to worry about our temperature, what clothes we wear, if the fact we’re inside or outside at all, the only problem about this system was even though all the buildings in 3.0 had no windows or doors, it would shelter you from the cold? Yet theres no actual insulation to the building preventing colder winds or temperatures entering the buildings.
    I like the approach Nelson did to Yukon and with snow, its as far as the community says the only real survival map Nelson made, that was the underdog of the map pool, the least played.
    Of course in 4.0 Nelson has already showed us what the new Snow effects look like on the ground, and it looks amazing. Hopefully we can see more snow maps, regardless if Nelson wants the map pool to be of every type of location possible. It was a fun experience and I don’t know any Large sized fully snow workshop maps dedicated to survival, I miss that enjoyment with friends worrying about natural elements more than our own base.

  3. Fog, a simple one, now and then we would have fog weather events, and variants too, say if the weather was recently rainy we would have more thicker fog than normal, and if near a large body of water and humid climate fog too would be a normal accurance now and then. As well as light fog being an accurance.

  4. Hurricanes, this is a wild card, a proper natural disaster, not an actual feature I would expect from Nelson, but something we could do possibly on the workshop, if Nelson were to add this to a map based around the eastern coast of the USA, it would be a real treat, something obviously rare, like say once every 2 to 3 weeks (using real life time, and maybe something admins could also spawn themselves for a server event or whatever other reasons they may have) that could properly effect the entire map or community, this would mean we wouldn’t be able to make large bases, or horde too many items incase we lost them, but would also need to build a base that is in a secure place from the high winds.

I would love to see more types of natural weather events and accurances, some beind a mild effect and some being a whole dramatic event. Lets discuss this.


some of these would be fun

Fog would definitely be a nice addition to the game. Hurricanes too because Florida.


Good ideas!
Rain, snow & wind should also affect the vehicles like when driving a car, it would be harder to have control over your car, flying a plane/helicopter should also be maybe more complicated then and it would cause turbulence, etc.

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This is a must in my opinion

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