Ladies and Gentlemen of planet earth, you cant make this shit up, i present to you Activision, the greediest cooperation of all time
The resolution on the image is so horrible I can’t tell what they are selling. Please explain.
sorry, its a screenshot (so i could put text on it)
Activision, Creators of blackout, decided “Why, not lets put a price on an open dot sight for a reflex scope for 1$”, when it should be free for everyone or at least cheaper so everyone could buy it.
Those greedy cooperate bastards
I only ever used the cod points they gave me on launch to buy richtofen for blackout
do not spend money on this game its just a microtransaction whore of a game and thats not gonna change probably ever.
Heres how i would do it,
Not buy anything but play the game instead
my brother owns it and its pretty fun
sorry for the necro,
but i had to put this here
Activision back at it again with there scams
you got this shit for just working hard in BO1 and BO2
have you guys seen the aftercredits scene in black ops 2 campaign?
thats the one that varies depending on what decisions you made, right? with menendez and woods?
no, the one after that
Oh yeah i remember that one
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