Currently working on a new topic. While i am working on it, i’d like to listen to your music. So, what about your music taste, what do you listen to?
Mine (Fair warning: a lot of links ahead, if you aren't interested in my crappy music taste, just pass this)
I guess i could explain my music taste with these songs that just came into my mind. I like every kind of music, really. Except pop, though. | I picked this because i like how this was sung in a dead language. And let’s be honest, almost every boss battle music is great. | Because i like deep shit, lol. Isn’t much of a distractive song, like i can have this in background while playing games. | Has a great beat, and vocals. | I usually don’t listen to rap that much, but there is so many into this song. | Kind of energetic. | I like songs that slowly builds up the beat, if you know what i mean.
Alt. Rock/Indie, Industrial Metal, Electronic Synthwave, 80s’ jpop.
Rap (like rav and belak)
Metal (Like Johnathan young and Treyarch shit)
Electronic sometimes
May 23, 2019, 4:50pm
I can listen to anything that sounds good to my ears.
I don’t listen to that much pop or country, and not enough rap. I also don’t listen to much synth or game osts or midi made orchestral because I’m not a pleb. I try to listen to everything, and by everything I actually mean everything, post rock, shoegaze, folk punk, art pop, anything avante garde, “indie” kraut rock, darkwave, newwave, no-wave etc
I mostly listen to electronic music, especially chiptune/9-bit and synthwave.
Almost everything I listen to is either a game soundtrack or an OST/remix.
I also made some mediocre EDM/cinematic music and posted it on Soundcloud
I listen to the ambience music,
I also like Cinematic, Classical, and other types of Orchestral music.
I went to a concert on Sunday to listen to “The Rite of Spring”, it’s truly a wonderful piece.
These are some links to some stuff I normally listen to:
Such as the Thunderbirds OST: (Not all the tracks I listen to is in this playlist, there’s actually a second volume that isn’t online, but you can buy CDs nowdays off of Amazon)
The obscure Ambient music that I compose and listen to (playlist):
The Rite of Spring:
(I highly recommend this one if you like dissonant music)
Obviously just insert any popular classical piece and I’ll probably listen to that too. =)
May 23, 2019, 5:39pm
Listen to a lot of Justice, mainly †, really like Newjack & Genesis.
HMU i got some good game soundtracks for you
I heard that @discobot likes disco.
¡Hola! Para saber qué puedo hacer, escribe @discobot mostrar ayuda
May 23, 2019, 6:02pm
That feeling when you think Nelson is going to share his music taste but it just ends up being someone summoning discobot
I prefer most popular music from the 60’s (basically anything that plays on 60’s on 6) and country music from the 70’s.
well in my case it really depends on my mood but I literally like all types of music forme classic piano to some hardcore dubstep
Classic Rock. Lots of Classic Rock. Give me more.
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Metal (pretty much any form, mostly thrash , industrial , power ) and O S T s mostly, although some generic electro is also enjoyable on occasion (mostly Monstercat releases)
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