Very curious as to what nelson means by this. Could the winner of a contest receive a skin for the makeshift bat, which doesn’t have any skins available? Could the winner request a skin for an odd item similar to the canned beans, such as 2rgames winning and deciding it be indigo berries? Side question, could the winner provide a custom mesh for the skin, for example, a short-film contest winner making an Unturned-style model of an Oscar and asking it to be a military knife? I am really curious as to how far this statement goes.
You request the weapon you want to have it on. Or something like that
Also, this should be in #unturned:unturned-3
Edit: Recatergorized it to that
gold blimp
gold blimp
Danaby, no.
#BringBackTheBlimp #BuyTheBlimpBundle #CanyathonsArena
Lets say I win a contest and ask for a makeshift bat skin, I will get a golden makeshift bat skin. It is its own skin, not an attachment like the 0 kelvins.
Right but will he make a skin for an item that doesn’t have one, was my question.
If its a vanilla gun probably, he has stated on the github that only vanilla core items support skins. So no france guns or anything. Im sure you could probably get a makeshift rifle or makeshift bat if you ask.
gold rainbow hatchback
gold rainbow hatchback
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