Then you better know
Then you better know
I speak Chinese. Advanced phrases like proverbs are beyond me, but I can still carry on basic conversations and do stuff like ordering food.
i speaking polish friend
I am native english, I am “learning” spanish because you literally can’t get a highschool diploma without passing spanish here. I want to learn Portuguese because one of my oldest friends lives in brazil and sometimes I hang out with him and some of his irl friends. Learning something like Russian, Chinese, or Japanese is something I wanna do if I find the time (especially something like Chinese so I can browse that one site that keeps re-uploading sirady videos).
i am turkish and i guess i am good enough at english to make the duolingo bird proud
tho if you asked me when i first joined the forum i probably would say i suck at it or couldn’t even say that lmao
English and German
Im speaking fluent german, russian and english. I also took french and spanish classes in school but am not able to speak those fluent
My native language is Latvian, I know Russian very well and I’m trying to learn English.
My native language is Romanian (but I can’t speak it right and also nobody can do that on this universe or parallel) I know English , some French(I was forced to learn it even do I wanted to learn German)I could say I speak Moldovan language but is just Romanian whit a more Russian accent.
I speak natively Ukrainian and Russian, also speak English and Polish, understand Belorusian, used to learn Italian, learn Swedish and Japanese.
Is there anyone here who speaks Carpat NPC?
What we really need to know is who speaks Berlin FPS
just English and Norwegian, i guess i know Danish and Swedish too because they’re basically the same
I speak for the trees!
And some French.
My native language is Romanian,i have learned(still learning)English,also for the past 11 years of learning French i don’t have any clue how to speak it.
gay frogs
Do the trees speak Vietnamese?
Well living in South Africa we have a form of Dutch called Afrikaans, I suck big time speaking it but its manditory in our schooling system. Has some lekker (nice) slang in it.
Only in Vietnam, and China.
I natively speak the Moldovan Dialect of Romanian, and know French and English well.
I’m also learning Russian and German. Since Moldovan dialect is like 20% Russian, 10% gibberish and 70% Romanian, it’s kind of my shortcut to Russian.