What team are you with the steam summer sale 2019?

I just want to know who is in which team.

  • Corgi
  • Cockatiel
  • Tortoise
  • Hare
  • Pig

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GO TEAM TORTOISE :terry_classic:


I was team pyro for MYM :sunglasses:

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team russia

Corgi number one

Tortoise number 1.1


wat de fack! Why my slow down not wotking!?!?@?$&@,!

TORTOISE IS NOW FREAKING FIRST SCREW Y’ALL :terry_classic::terry_classic::terry_classic:

edit: we are not first ;-;
edit 2: WE ARE FIRST AGAIN :terry_classic:

Corgi is so powerful Steam themselves needed to intervene to make it fair




How’s corgi RN? I can’t view it

Is it still first?

Corgi’s in last place due to the fact that everyone is nuking it.

Wow… Anywho, I’m pretty sure it might jump back up if the team works hard.

Tho we’ll probably lose…

Steam has stepped in to hamper Corgi, their at a disadvantage no matter what they do. Also since this even’s “Point Cap” is so poorly explained and doesn’t even work most people aren’t able to do quests or turn in their points.

I am unable to get a single achievement worth of points because it’s greater than the cap.

So basically steam screwed over a bunch of people because they were working too hard…

Yeah. I mean I can see why, but I think this is more of an issue with the event.

As well as giving people the ability to cash out tf2 achivements.

Hmm… Or it could be that corgi has the most people and they want to minimize the amount of games they apparently will be giving away.

There giving out the same amount of gifts regardless of the team composition. It’s not a percentage, it’s a random team member.


The one thing I do like about this event is that it’s made leveling up easy. I went from low 30’s to high 40’s.

Danaby did pretty much the same thing.

but why tho

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