What type of survival game do you guys play besides Unturned?

minecraft has zombies so

I think you made the wrong type of poll, it should be multiple choice.

@danaby2 listen here son

you made me check your profile to see if you had H1Z1

and guess what I just learned!

Daybreak literally rebranded both games. Itā€™s now just ā€œH1Z1ā€ and ā€œJust Survive.ā€ Theyā€™ve literally gone and distanced their original game from themselves.

Also, you donā€™t have Just Survive, but you do have H1Z1.

I didnā€™t want to know any of this.

listen here son



Maybe he went and got a cracked version of one of them D:

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Rust doesnā€™t have zombies. Also, next time you make a poll like this, it might have been fitting to give us expanded option variety, as well as the ability to choose multiple at once.

Iā€™d also like to point out that nowhere in the original post or title do you mention zombie survival in particular.

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When does despacito 2 comin out?

Nelson has confirmed the release of Despacito 2 alongside the release of Unturned II

meļ¼Œtoo :v:

Why did you bring that post again?

Donā€™t Starve Together

Roblox Natural Disaster Survival

genuinely, itā€™s a pretty fun game, probably one of the only good ones on that hellspawn of a site


CS:GO Minecraft and RTS games like the Age of Empires series.

Dead frontier II (new game on steam, DF1 was my childhood, it needs more players pls check out kthx)
Donā€™t starve together
Project zomboid

These games sound pretty interesting

anyone wanna play some minecraft

I would but Im too lazy to figure out everything about you

Use to play H1Z1 .

what do you mean figure me out, its ya boy noobyfish famous creator of athenas arena.

Your were famous. NOT ANYMORE