Who has the most hours in the community?

Curious because i’m scared I might have the most.

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how much do you have?

I think @anon24515308 whit 18 days

Here’s a nifty little site that helps you track this sort of stuff.

It’s not -fully- accurate but it gets the job done, and without clicking that link, I can tell you that as long as you don’t have over 17K hours, than no, you don’t have the most.

I like how the #1 spot is literally just a farming bot. Love the integrity of Steam.

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Oh i know that side but for me it says i have played 0 hrs because of some reasons i was not able to update it but i have 4,246 hrs at the moment so now you guys know .-.

5,628 hrs on record

Some AFK’d on accident. shrug.