Wingsuits and Parachutes Suggestion

So I’ve been sitting in front of my computer for a while thinking for Ideas and I came up with a few.

-Wing Suit | For a quick travel from tall places to your destination. (But you can also crash to different structures which will cause to you either dying if you’re going from high speed or either losing hp if you’re going slowly)

-Parachute | Instead of a umbrella or glider something more efficient, also u can shoot while using the parachute. (I don’t know about this idea but it just seems to me that jumping out a plane or helicopter and then just pulling out a umbrella isn’t really that fun)


Considering the direction in which Unturned II is headed, i don’t think those ideas would fit well within the game.
I mean, people trying to survive suddenly become paratroopers, shooting from parachutes and flying around with wingsuits, i don’t see them as something appropriate for a game that focuses heavily on survival this time, unlike Unturned 3.0.


I mean like if you’re trying to get to a different place it’d be more safe to be in the air where zombies can’t reach you than driving a car and all the zombies trying to destroy your car. Also it’d be really fun to glide with a wing suit.

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I like the idea of a wingsuit , it would change tha game a lot in a better way in my opinion .
Wing suits may not come but parachutes have a better chance

Wing suits and parachute could be commonly find in mountains maps.
That a quite good idea but it need some changes

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If parachutes were added I dont think that a player will be able to shoot from them and it would make him a easy target so it would be balanced.

Other than that I dont think it will be added because it would be a weird feature compared to others , I dont think that anybody would think about wingsuits in a zombie apocalypse

It is a cool feature but it just dosent fit unturned

I think that a parachute would be a pretty cool idea (Military at military locations, and civilian versions?). The wingsuit could also be pretty cool but I don’t think that would fit Unturned as much.

Military uses parachutes that is true but, if parachutes were spawning at military sites it would make military sites a bigger hotspot then it needs to be

I think that going to different locations would reward you with different loot and that you will not be able to get everything just by coming to a military base

If it gets added to a military base it should be on a specific location that would be harder to find , maybe special items would be guarded by a boss zombie???


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Yes it would be a nice feature since the only place to get loot is either Heritage Valley or Military (Washington)

Im pretty sure parachutes will be added because the game is taking a more realistic aproach, thats the way you will be able to leave aircrafts mid air, not like in 3.0 where you freefall and take 25% dmg

Maybe instead of a wing suit, having a compact-able, folding, hang glider and it would take like 8-10 inventory slots, and that way if you go into a “hot zone city” you could escape by climbing a sky scraper and hang gliding off to safety. Also all these ideas (Except the parachute) seems like they would be content modders would make, not nelson, because in all honesty what kind of zombie survival game has wing suits. <- A pretty damn good one, lol. Anyway thats my thoughts.

I didn’t want to say that they WILL shoot while parachuting, i was just talking directly about what OP suggested, which was the ability to shoot from parachutes.

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