Working vehicles

So basically, you would mostly find working vehicles where its unlikely other people would have taken them, maybe have salvaged a few things, Like tires, fuel, and the battery.

  • Tipped over


Basically, These vehicles would be mostly intact vehicles that got tipped over in some way or another, and were abandoned. As I said before, they would most likely be missing tires, have most, if not all of the windows shattered, and (Maybe) a few doors open. (laying on the ground nearby?)

  • Vehicles in Garages

Basically you would need power to get these vehicles out, but they would also be missing parts (and maybe 1 or 2 windows shattered from people trying to get inside them. These would probably be the most intact (other than completely hidden vehicles, (or vehicles at destroyed survivor camps), as they aren’t in the open, haven’t been damaged by “Turned” and people not bothering to go into houses would just well, just dont get to them.

(gta garages are all that I could find that were decent)

  • Vehicles on roadways.

These vehicles will most definitely be the most damaged. Occasionally, they might have their lights on from being recently abandoned, or at least hazard lights. Usually, as said before they will be badly damaged, and will be missing tires, batteries, and all of their fuel. Usually they will look like they were wrecked, or pulled off the side of the road.

Vehicles like this

Would almost never work, as thy are in an area that would be scavenged a lot.


  • Hidden vehicles.

These will mostly be trucks, and other vehicles, hidden with supplies in the back, and most likely wont be missing anything, other than the battery possibly being drained. These vehicles would have been covered in leaves, branches, or even in ditches, by survivors about to leave for some place, but forgot about it for some reason, or… Well, died.


  • Vehicles in Survivor camps.

These are abandoned vehicles that were abandoned during an attack on a survivor base, either from other survivors, or “Turned”. Sometimes their lights will be turned on, and other stuff. Depending on how recent the attack was. These vehicles would be only slightly damaged, and such.

Basically where survivors set up camp, then died.


So basically Vehicles in game can be located where they’re used and parked IRL, but with an Apocalyptic setting and world.


more or less,


Wrecked vehicle objects should be found on roads.


If thats all you got from this, I am disappointed in you.

Or maybe this idea is too common sense to be an actual suggestion. It’s pretty clear that Nelson would use new mechanics to expand worldbuilding.

I was suggesting how you would find vehicles, There are plenty of things that are basically common sense, yet people suggest them and get no backlash. Heck, most of all suggestions are common sense, but suggestions are to make the person your suggesting them to think about them, because they cant always come up with it all themselves.

It doesnt say anywhere that something like this is already confirmed, so you have no right to say that.

A Cataclysm: DDA style system where any and all vehicles can be brought to operational condition with significant enough amounts of components and work?

I think that vehicles found in, for example, locked garages, would have been protected from the elements to almost perfect condition (maybe the battery is dead, or something minor like that) but vehicles sitting out on the roads would likely have been broken into, show wear and tear, damaged or missing parts, or are even utterly decimated so as to be extremely impractical to restore (primarily being there as a last-resort way to salvage some worn-down parts). This would have to be balanced very carefully.


That would also depend on density of spawn location and time since infections begun , vehicles left in cities roads will likely be all broken while vehicles left in Pierick farm far from any others humans wouldn’t be broken at all

You’re suggesting things that are already possible in 3.x. Hidden cars can easily be created by putting a bush inside a wrecked vehicle. Vehicles can already be put on roads.

Im saying WORKING vehicles. NOT BROKEN ONES!

Instead of filling roads with vehicles that are nonfunctional and fully interactive, it might make more sense to replace the non interactive broken vehicles of 3.X with resource nodes that give car parts.

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i like the idea but like for more complex , you have to find a item to locate the vehicules on roads “only working”
with a Item Damage if it’s Like 95% damage you can easly look for vehicules if its like 10% or 5% the item should
give only like 2/10 vehicules location.

Practically speaking, having a large amount of ruined vehicles on the road with damaged parts that you can scavenge for would be worth playtesting. However, a problem arises when one considers how much this would impact filesize, RAM usage, and lag, as well as roads being blocked and just how worthwhile this would be to implement.

It is certainly an interesting idea to have ruined or otherwise somewhat damaged vehicles scattered on roads. The thing with this, however, is that it is probably completely feasible to add simply based on mapping alone rather than any new game mechanic. Unturned II isn’t really at the point where mapping is number 1 priority. This is definitely worth considering in the future when map design is underway of course!

(This reply was made by the over ten characters gang)

What I meant is that most of the vehicles you find will be non-functioning. But the rest of the post was about where you would find working ones, and in what condition they would be.

Also, just use the <.br> <./br> to get rid of the 10 characters thing.

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