Hey everyone, Ive had this weird bug where some of the objects that I download act like they havent been updated to the latest unity.
(Note: THEY HAVE!)
What mods I’ve noticed this with…
Spy’s Better Living
Athens Arena Objects.
and a few other objects I have downloaded.
Ive tried to update the files, remove the old files, ect but it never works. They just stay broken.
So could someone PLEASE tell me why this is happening? cause it really shouldnt be.
March 29, 2019, 5:23pm
Athens Arena Objects.
Danaby put something in the Athens files to prevent the objects from being used on any other map IIRC (Mainly because they don’t really have Navmeshes or proper clips, they were only meant for use in an arena map)
Well Ive asked him before if it was alright to use them and He said it was fine.
Anywho, the object Im trying to use is one of the small rope objects so I can make some power lines on a map that Im just screwing around on.
rope -> power -> more rope -> more power
Oi, its black and looks like a power line, and it was what I used for the SPI power Lines.
oh btw, I contacted danaby, and he said this isnt the case. He doesnt know why the objects are invisible.
Btw, objects that cant be used on other maps wont even show up in the editor, not this.
March 30, 2019, 7:54pm
oh I know whats going on, so ether you’ve installed the wrong version of Athens Arena or your unturned version is out of date.
Usually objects are only invisible like that when the Unity version is out of date.
The stupid thing is, the unity.dat isnt in any of the files for some reason. And Im not sure why.
March 30, 2019, 8:08pm
the unity.3d isn’t in the files because the map was upgraded to master bundles.
oh yeah, k justa sec~
Lets hope it works this time.
Nope- the objects are still invisible.
Ive thrown the masterbundle in, and everything in the bundles folder yet it still doesnt work.
March 30, 2019, 8:35pm
wait wait, you mean to tell me that you removed the masterbundle? Also did you restart your game?
I added the masterbundle to the files, as those hold the unity files from what you told me. And I know to restart the game after any change in game files.
March 30, 2019, 8:36pm
ok, where did you add the master bundle?
In the same place it was int he athens file, right inside the bundles folder
turns out something may be wrong with my files, as I went on athens, lagged out worse than chernarus LN, and then my game crashed.
(I talked to danaby, he went on the map and didnt have the same issue)
So its got to be something to do with the game, as objects from spys better living are invisible as well.
Tell me, what should one do when a whole bunch of random objects turn invisible, and it doesnt have anything to do with unity?
March 30, 2019, 10:32pm
close out of unturned and verify game files.