NPC towns

sorry, nother comment, but the idea was that they would spawn at certain times of day, a world that functions without you would be cool, but I dont expect something like that from nelson alone.

It isnt really zombies fighting, more of people fighting, Note, these would be in less civilized towns, as the entire town would watch someone get eaten alive. often.

I really cant even remember much of my own post, as this is kinda old, but whatevs.

i feel as if bringing out the heavy artillery and just massacring a town would be hella fun. perhaps raiding towns would be a better way of getting loot than raiding player built structures, if we want to promote player cooperation. i think you should be able to rob NPC’s, or maybe cuff them and take all their stuff. Also, there was a “convoy” idea that I came up with a while ago, which I believe could be cool (basically NPC vehicle/horse convoys that you can hold up and raid).

I dont know if we want to make the main source of loot be killing entire towns of people…

also, how likely is it that you will live trying to kill a town with people who survived the apocalypse?

not “killing”, more like robbing and raiding them.
i was just saying it’d be fun to massacre an npc town with cheats in singleplayer or something.

Most people will attack you if you try to rob and raid.

Though I guess maybe for singleplayer, but it should severely effect the game. Though it shouldnt be in multiplayer, as players wouldnt be able to go to the shops in towns if the town has been destroyed.

More NPC towns should pop up, though. And yeah, that would be the main downside of robbing/raiding. But once you’ve got guns, weapons, and armour, that wouldn’t be a problem.

This all seems swell, but the whole idea is more MMORPG-like to me, and caters towards freelancers and alone players rather than being a big thing for groups of people. Sure, large groups could enjoy NPC towns and etc but idk. Sounds neat to me. I would definitely like to see NPC-based towns and or “player-made” towns. And the idea that there can only be one player-made town is great, because one group can basically control while others need to battle to take it down.

Perhaps when towns are sieged and taken by players and or zombies they become crumbled, and that town is no longer use-able until a new one is claimed and then becomes crumbled. Something like that

Though a problem that struck my mind is how pre-modern this revolves around. Stables for horses, etc. No vehicles, yet weapons and guns? Perhaps another shop idea is required.

I have an idea for the big settlements that have a ton of loot would be littered with machine gun nests hidden snipers and pillboxes. I’m saying large town’s with large populations and they would be full of money and high tier guns and ammo so super high risk super high reward. And for the npc currency you could use pre apocalypse money because many npcs wont know why they should just switch only to bartering while there is still paper money that would be worth that much in food and supplies. But they also have an option to barter for materials supplies and ammuniton.

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My suggestion is that the currency is trade power, that’s right, you did not read it wrong.
Every time you go to an NPC to sell your items, you gain an X value of trade power and with your trade power you can buy items from NPCs. You can also transfer this trade power to other players.
In addition, if the game has missions given by NPCs, among the rewards may know trade power.

yeah that would be great +1

Maybe there can be trade power but also a currency backed by food or water like the N.C.R in fallout new vegas.

I think this is a good Idea.
A currency would be stable if there was no way to increase the amount circulating, so using real money would be fine. I don’t think we’ll find survivors going out of their way to make money printing factories. :stuck_out_tongue:

Or making counterfit money.


And maybe there could be a few npc trappers who live out in the middle of the woods who survive by hunting fishing and maybe some farming.

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Seems familiar, for some strange reason…

fallout 4 perhaps?


btw, I have to say this is the best post I have ever made (other than the darker nights ones)

Maybe hordes of zombies attack the town and NPCs defend it