Pronunciation of "Carbine"

Just out of curiosity how do you you all pronounce the word ‘carbine’?

  • Car b’eye’n (what do beans have to do with anything?)
  • Car bean (how could the British know more about guns than Americans?)
  • Assault Rifle (it needs to be banned before it can run away and shoot school children)

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Now remember different people pronounce it differently, and that doesn’t necessarily mean you need to be cussing people out. (but we all know the one objectively true pronunciation :wink:)

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What does this have to do with unturned

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pretty much nothing.

I say “Car been”

i’d say the “e” at the end changes it from “car-bin” to “car-b’eye’n”


whoever says car been is a big dummy doo-doo head


English spelling has more to do with etymology than it has to do with English pronunciation.

Yes, doodoo heads indeed.


Guys, c’mon… It’s pronounced “Carbine.”


However, this is a car-bean


Where on earth did you find it
I’m 100% sure it deals more damage than bullets.

Look up “Places where beans shouldn’t be.”

Car-bine is how I pronounce it. Just like it’s spelled. Pretty sure that’s the standard American way to pronounce it.

watch the foul language mister!!!

The question isn’t whether carbine should be pronounced ‘car-bine’ or not, the question is how is ‘-bine’ is pronounced. Is it pronounced like sardine, limousine, machine, etc. or like decline, shine, confine, etc. or like masculine, discipline, doctrine, etc.


Ah, well in that case I mean pronounced like decline, shine, and such.

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you turned into runforthecube at the end of that sentence

I say car bin