Pronunciation of "Carbine"


no but why the fuck did you necropost on a 5 month old thread

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holy shit i didnt know it was 5 months old

honest mistake on my part

Remember to look at the date of the latest post.

Also, of it says something like 2 months later or something, just delete your comment and you won’t get backlash.

I don’t see an issue with necroposting if it adds more to the topic scaling with the length of time since the post. The older the post the more you have to add to the conversation.

Lets just stop the convo and move on thou :woman_shrugging:

“Car-byne” for me


gotcha ye fookin carbide plane fer me wheat fields

the inglish that I learn in skull is moar then vrong



a new life

car binder

Nothing, its in memes. smh

This post is 5 months old but iirc it was in unturned but got recatagorized after I posted that

i pronoucne it care-binny

rely on fortnite
fortnite is always right

fortnite is never correct

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Fortnite is right
its just disappointing
Like the recent event that just happend, its cool but its a copy and paste of fortnitemares



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